Skip to content- A Christian Natural Theology Based on the Thought of Alfred North Whitehead by John B. Cobb, Jr.
- A Guide to Understanding the Bible by Harry Emerson Fosdick
- A Historical Introduction to the New Testament by Robert M. Grant
- A New Hearing, Living Options in Homiletic Method by Richard L. Eslinger
- A New Quest of the Biblical Jesus by James M. Robinson
- A Purpose For Everything by L. Charles Birch
- A Wider Vision: A History of the World Congress of Faiths, 1936 – 1996 by Marcus Braybrooke
- After Death: Life in God by Norman Pittenger
- Aging Well: Theological Reflections on the Call and Retirement by Jack L. Stotts
- Ain’t Gonna Study War No More: Biblical Ambiguity and the Abolition of War by Albert C. Winn
- Alfred North Whitehead by Norman Pittenger
- An Awkward Church by Douglas John Hall
- An Introduction to the New Testament by Richard Heard
- An Introduction to the Process Understanding of Science, Society and the Self by Leslie A. Muray
- Anselm’s Discovery: A Re-examination of the Ontological Proof for God’s Existence Argument by Charles Hartshorne
- As One Without Authority by Fred B. Craddock
- Becoming and Belonging by Norman Pittenger
- Beliefs That Count by Georgia Harkness
- Between Athens And Berlin: The Theological Education Debate by David Kelsey
- Care of Souls in the Classic Tradition by Thomas C. Oden
- Charles Hartshorne by Alan Gragg
- Christian Affirmations by Norman Pittenger
- Christian Biopolitics: A Credo & Strategy for the Future by Kenneth Cauthen
- Christian Ethics by Georgia Harkness
- Christianity and the Scientist by Ian Barbour
- Christianity Through the Ages by Kenneth Scott Latourette
- Common Sense Christianity by C. Randolph Ross
- Community Mental Health: The Role of Church and Temple by Howard J. Clinebell, Jr., (Ed.)
- Confronting the Idolatry of Family: A New Vision for the Household of God by Janet Fishburn
- Congregation: Stories and Structures by James F. Hopewell
- Contemporary Growth Therapies by Howard J. Clinebell, Jr.
- Counseling For Liberation by Charlotte Ellen
- Crisis and Growth: Helping Your Troubled Child by Howard J. Clinebell, Jr.
- Dear Mr. Brown: Letters to a Person Perplexed about Religion by Harry Emerson Fosdick
- Dietrich Bonhoeffer by Dallas M. Roark
- Doubting Thomas: Christology in Story Form by John B. Cobb, Jr.
- Dynamics of Faith by Paul Tillich
- East of the Euphrates: Early Christianity in Asia by T.V. Philip
- Edinburgh to Salvador: Twentieth Century Ecumenical Missiology by T.V. Philip
- Education and the Common Good: A Moral Philosophy of the Curriculum by Philip H. Phenix
- Encounter in Humanization: Insights for Christian-Marxist Dialogue and Cooperation by Paulose Mar Paulose
- Essays in the History of Religions by Joachim Wach
- Essays on Biblical Interpretation by Paul Ricoeur
- Ethical Issues in the Struggles for Justice by Daniel Chetti and M.P. Joseph
- Evangelicals at an Impasse: Biblical Authority in Practice by Robert K. Johnston
- Exegesis for the Christian Year by Henry Gustafson
- Existence and Actuality: Conversations with Charles Hartshorne by John B. Cobb, Jr. and Franklin I. Gamwell (eds.)
- Fear and Trembling by Sören Kierkegaard
- Ferment in the Ministry by Seward Hiltner
- From Faith to Faith — Essays on Old Testament Literature by B. Davie Napier
- Fundamentalism: the Challenge to the Secular World by Lloyd Geering
- Globalization and Human Solidarity by Tissa Balasuriya
- Globalization and Its Impact on Human Rights by George Mathews Chunakara (ed.)
- God and Alcoholism by Dick B.
- God in the New World by Lloyd Geering
- God of Empowering Love: A History and Reconception of the Theodicy Conundrum by David P. Polk
- God Our Contemporary by J.B. Phillips
- God with a Human Face by John C. Purdy
- God Within Process by Eulalio R. Baltazar
- God’s Grace and Man’s Hope by Daniel Day Williams
- Grace in Freedom by Karl Rahner
- Graceful Courage: A Venture in Christian Humanism by Roger Hazelton
- Growth Counseling for Marriage Enrichment by Howard J. Clinebell, Jr.
- Growth Counseling for Mid-Years Couples by Howard J. Clinebell, Jr.
- Growth Groups by Howard J. Clinebell, Jr.
- Hannah Arendt: Prophet for our Time by James M. Campbell
- Homanisation by Karl Rahner
- Human Immortality by William James
- Hymn of the Universe by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
- Immortality of the Soul or Resurrection of the Dead? by Oscar Cullmann
- In the Power of the Spirit by Dennis A. Smith and B.F. Gutierrez (eds.)
- Intelligible Religion by Philip H. Phenix
- Is There Only One True Religion or Are There Many? by Schubert M. Ogden
- Islam — The Straight Path: Islam Interpreted by Muslims by Kenneth W. Morgan
- Jesus by Martin Dibelius
- Jesus and the Word by Rudolf Bultmann
- Jesus in the First Three Gospels by Millar Burrows
- Jesus Lord and Christ by John Knox (current)
- Kerygma and Myth by Rudolf Bultmann and Five Critics
- Know Your Faith by Nels F. S. Ferré
- Liberal Christianity at the Crossroads by John B. Cobb, Jr.
- Liberative Solidarity: Contemporary Perspectives on Mission by K. C. Abraham
- Living Options in Protestant Theology by John B. Cobb, Jr.
- Luther: A Life by John M. Todd
- Man and His Becoming by Philip H. Phenix
- Many Witnesses, One Lord by William Barclay
- Martin Buber: The Life of Dialogue by Maurice S. Friedman
- Martyrs in the History of Christianity by Franklyn J. Balasundaram (ed.)
- Maturing in the Christian Life: A Pastor’s Guide by Neill Q. Hamilton
- Mind in Nature: the Interface of Science and Philosophy by John B. and David R. Griffin Cobb, Jr.
- Mystery and Promise: A Theology of Revelation by John F. Haught
- Mythmakers: Gospel, Culture and the Media by William F. Fore
- Myths, Models and Paradigms: A Comparative Study in Science and Religion by Ian Barbour
- Nature and Purpose by John F. Haught
- Omnipotence and Other Theological Mistakes by Charles Hartshorne
- Our Faith by Emil Brunner
- Partners in Preaching: Clergy and Laity in Dialogue by Reuel L. Howe
- Philosophical Fragments by Sören Kierkegaard
- Prayer and the Common Life by Georgia Harkness
- Praying Today: Practical Thoughts on Prayer by Norman Pittenger
- Preaching As A Social Act: Theology and Practice by Arthur Van Seters (ed.)
- Preaching the Gospel by Norman Pittenger
- Process Philosophy and Christian Thought by Delwin Brown, Ralph James, Gene Reeves (eds.)
- Process Theology as Political Theology by John B. Cobb, Jr.
- Process-Thought and Christian Faith by Norman Pittenger
- Proclaiming Christ Today by Norman Pittenger
- Prophets in Perspective by B. Davie Napier
- Protestantism in America: A Narrative History by Jerald C. Brauer
- Purity of Heart Is to Will One Thing by Sören Kierkegaard
- Radical Theology and the Death of God by Thomas Altizer and William Hamilton
- Rediscovering the Sacred: Perspectives on Religion in Contemporary Society by Robert Wuthnow
- Rediscovering the Teaching of Jesus by Norman Perrin
- Regaining Compassion for Humanity and Nature by L. Charles Birch
- Reinhold Niebuhr by Bob E. Patterson
- Religion and the American Revolution by Jerald C. Brauer (ed.)
- Religion in an Age of Science by Ian Barbour
- Religious Television: The American Experience by Peter Horsfield
- Resurrection: A Symbol of Hope by Lloyd Geering
- Returning God’s Call: The Challenge of Christian Living by John C. Purdy
- Searchlights on Contemporary Theology by Nels F. S. Ferré
- Song of the Vineyard by B. Davie Napier
- Speaking in Parables: A Study in Metaphor and Theology by Sallie McFague
- Taking the Bible Seriously by Leander E. Keck
- Talking About God: Doing Theology in the Context of Modern Pluralism by David Tracy and John B. Cobb, Jr.
- Tao Te Ching by Lao Tze
- Television and Religion: The Shaping of Faith, Values and Culture by William F. Fore
- The ‘Last Things’ in a Process Perspective by Norman Pittenger
- The Apostolic Preaching and Its Developments by C. H. Dodd
- The Bible in Human Transformation by Walter Wink
- The Bible Today by C. H. Dodd
- The Book Of Acts by William R. Cannon
- The Book of Exodus by B. Davie Napier
- The Broken Covenant: American Civil Religion in Time of Trial by Robert N. Bellah
- The Christian at Play by Robert K. Johnston
- The Christian of the Future by Karl Rahner
- The Church Against the World by H. Richard Niebuhr, Wilhelm Pauck and Francis P. Miller
- The Church’s Mission and Post-Modern Humanism by M. M. Thomas
- The Cosmic Adventure: Science, Religion and the Quest for Purpose by John F. Haught
- The Design of the Scriptures – A First Reader in Biblical Theology by Robert C. Dentan
- The Earliest Gospel by Frederick C. Grant
- The Ecology of Faith by Joseph Sittler
- The Ethics of Enjoyment: The Christian’s Pursuit of Happiness by Kenneth Cauthen
- The Explorer’s Guide To Christianity by Marcus Braybrooke
- The Founder of Christianity by C. H. Dodd
- The Future of Mankind by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
- The Gospel and Our World by Georgia Harkness
- The Gospel of Christian Atheism by Thomas J.J. Altizer
- The Gospel of John by William R. Cannon
- The Gospel Of Matthew by William R. Cannon
- The History of Religions: Essays in Methodology by Mircea Eliade and Joseph M. Kitagawa (eds.)
- The Humiliation of the Word by Jacques Ellul
- The Intimate Marriage by Howard J. and Charlotte H. Clinebell
- The Language Gap and God: Religious Language and Christian Education by Randolph Crump Miller
- The Living Commandments by John Shelby Spong
- The Lure of Divine Love: Human Experience and Christian Faith in a Process Perspective by Norman Pittenger
- The Lure of God: A Biblical Background for Process Theism by Lewis S. Ford
- The Mental Health Ministry of the Local Church by Howard J. Clinebell, Jr.
- The Minister and the Care of Souls by Daniel Day Williams
- The Ministry in Historical Perspectives by H. Richard Niebuhr and Daniel D. Williams (eds.)
- The Modern Reader’s Guide to the Gospels by William Hamilton
- The Old Testament, Keystone of Human Culture by William F. Irwin
- The Other Davos: Globalization of Resistances and Struggles by Francois Houtart and Francois Polet
- The Pardshaw Dialogues: Sense Awareness and the Passage of Nature by Dorothy Emmet (ed.)
- The Phenomenon of Christian Belief by G.W.H. Lampe (ed.)
- The Pleasures of Her Text by Alice Bach
- The Politics of God and the Politics of Man by Jacques Ellul
- The Predicament of Modern Man by Elton Trueblood
- The Purpose of the Church and its Ministry by H. Richard Niebuhr, Daniel Day Williams, & James M. Gustafson
- The Resurrection: A Dialogue by G.W.H. Lampe and D.M. MacKinnon
- The Revelation of God in History by John F. Haught
- The Scriptures of Mankind: An Introduction by Charles Samuel Braden
- The Sermon on the Mount by Roger Shinn
- The Sickness Unto Death by Sören Kierkegaard
- The Spirit and the Forms of Love by Daniel Day Williams
- The Splendor of Creation, a Biblical Ecology (excerpts) by Ellen Bernstein
- The Story of the New Testament by Edgar J. Goodspeed
- The Structure of Christian Existence by John B. Cobb, Jr.
- The Theology of Altizer: Critique and Response by John B. Cobb, Jr. (editor)
- The Unquenchable Light by Kenneth Scott Latourette
- The Varieties of Religious Experience: A Study in Human Nature by William James
- The World to Come: From Christian Past to Global Future by Lloyd Geering
- To Understand God Truly by David Kelsey
- Toward Understanding the Bible by Georgia Harkness
- Twelve Tests of Character by Harry Emerson Fosdick
- Understanding and Counseling the Alcoholic by Howard J. Clinebell, Jr.
- Understanding the Kingdom of God by Georgia Harkness
- Varieties of Civil Religion by Robert Bellah and Phillip E. Hammond
- Violence: Reflections from a Christian Perspective by Jacques Ellul
- War Against the Poor: Low-Intensity Conflict and Christian Faith by Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer
- What Can We Learn from Hinduism : Recovering the Mystical by Marcus Braybrooke
- What can We Learn from Islam: The Struggle for True Religion by Marcus Braybrooke
- What Caused the Big Bang? by Rem B. Edwards
- What Is Process Theology? by Robert B. Mellert
- What is Religion? by Paul Tillich
- What Shall We Believe? by Aurelia T. Fule
- What’s the Difference? A Comparison of the Faiths Men Live By by Louis Cassels
- When A Person Dies: Pastoral Theology in Death Experiences by Robert L. Kinast
- Whiteheadian Thought as a Basis for a Philosophy of Religion by Forrest Wood, Jr.
- Whiteheadian Thought as a Basis for a Philosophy of Religion by Forrest Wood, Jr.
- Word Of God – Word of Earth by B. Davie Napier