Karl Rahner, S.J., studied theology under Martin Heidegger, then taught dogmatics in Catholic unversities in Munich and Innsbruck, Germany, between 1937 and 1984. He wrote more than a half-dozen books and was an observer at Vatican Council II in 1962-1965.
This book was published by Herder and Herder, West Germany, 1967 and translated by W.J. O’Hara. This material was prepared for Religion Online by Ted and Winnie Brock.
(ENTIRE BOOK) A reflection on the nature, limits, and possibilities of change taking place in the Roman Catholic Church during and since the Second Vatican Council.
- Preface
The reflections of the words of this book seek to help prepared a little the path of the pilgrim Church, so that even in our time it may proclaim and mediate the grace of God.
- The Changing Church
Some thoughts on the limits of change within the self-understanding of the Catholic Church, seeking not merely to warn against a falsely understood "progressism," but, with the same decisiveness, to arouse courage to discover new and bold ways in the Church of God.
- Situation Ethics in an Ecumenical Perspective
The opening of the church to the world calls for a whole series of fundamental debates on the limits of the possibilities of the Church for coping with secular situations of a private and social character. "Situation ethics," is one example of this need.
- The Church’s Limits: Against Clerical Triumphalists and Lay Defeatists
Thoughts on the capacity of the Church to give directions in the public social sphere.
- The Teaching of Vatican II on The Church and The Future Reality of Christian Life
A preview of the post-conciliar epoch: which of the teachings of the Constitution of the Church will especially have to touch the heart of the future Christian if he is to live his faith in the world of tomorrow?A preview of the post-conciliar epoch: which of the teachings of the Constitution of the Church will especially have to touch the heart of the future Christian if he is to live his faith in the world of tomorrow?