Walter Wink is professor at Auburn Theological Seminary, New York City. He received his Th.D. from Union Theological Semianry, has been active in peace movements throughout the world, and is a Fellow of the Jesus Seminar. His books include: The Powers that Be: Theology for a New Millenium (1999), Homosexuality and Christian Faith (1999), and Cracking the Gnostic Code (1993).
- Biting the Bullet: The Case for Legalizing Drugs
- The New RSV: The Best Translation, Halfway There
- Letting Parables Live
- Biblical Perspectives on Homosexuality
- Drug policy: The Fix We’re In
- To Hell with Gays: Sex and the Bible
- How I Have Been Snagged by the Seat of My Pants While Reading the Bible
- Apocalypse Now?
- Guns R Us?