Walter Wink is professor at Auburn Theological Seminary, New York City. He received his Th.D. from Union Theological Semianry, has been active in peace movements throughout the world, and is a Fellow of the Jesus Seminar. His books include: The Powers that Be: Theology for a New Millenium (1999), Homosexuality and Christian Faith (1999), and Cracking the Gnostic Code (1993).
The Bible in Human Translation was published in 1973 by Fortress Press. This book was prepared for Religion Online by Harry W. and Grace C. Adams.
(ENTIRE BOOK) Citing the disconnection if not alienation that exists between the community of biblical scholars and the community of faith, the author calls for a serious reassessment of the driving forces in biblical scholarship, and suggests a new paradigm that holds promise of making the Bible more widely available and humanly applicable.
- Preface
The author gives a general rationale for this book.
- Chapter 1: The Bankruptcy of the Biblical Critical Paradigm
Biblical criticism has become bankrupt because it was based on an inadequate method, a false objectivism and an uncontrolled technologyism, and was separated from a vital community, making a new paradigm necessary.
- Chapter 2: Is Biblical Study Undergoing a Paradigm Shift?
In declaring the historical critical method of biblical research bankrupt, the author calls for a new paradigm that is, a constellation of presuppositions, beliefs, values and techniques that will render the Bible’s content and intent accessible for human development today.
- Chapter 3: Toward a New Paradigm for Biblical Study
In suggesting a dialectical hermeneutic as the new paradigm for biblical study, the author critiques the objectification of the Bible in contemporary scholarship, and argues for the use of scholarly critical tools to bridge the gap between the personal spiritual quest and the text, and while using the insights of sociology and depth psychology.
- Conclusion
This book is an appeal by the author to his colleagues in the community of biblical scholars to change their focus from the paradigm of professional success in their discipline to a more human personal involvement with the Bible’s intent as well as its content.
- Appendix by Elizabeth B. Howes, Ph.D.