God of Empowering Love: A History and Reconception of the Theodicy Conundrum

by David P. Polk

Dr. David P. Polk is retired from a life of academia, publishing, and pastoral ministry but is still active as a constructive theologian deeply influenced by the orientation known as process-relational thought, rooted in the philosophy of Alfred North Whitehead.

God of Empowering Love was published in 2016 by Process Century Press. If you value this text, please consider purchasing a copy.


(ENTIRE BOOK) The path that through the centuries led Christian theology away from the dynamic and interactive God of the biblical writings to the immutable deity of classical theologians also involved a de-emphasis upon divine love in favor of divine power. David Polk traces this path with great care in remarkably accessible language, showing how at numerous points the ideas of creative thinkers, pointing to a better way, were largely ignored. With equal care and lucidity, Polk traces the eventual turn, still in progress, toward a new understanding that recovers what was lost and provides the groundwork for a creative resolution to age-old theological conundrums appropriate to our contemporary situation. Concluding with a resolution of the love-power question through a concept of empowering love, the book makes an important contribution to contemporary theological reflection. I can heartily recommend it not only as a textbook for college and seminary students but also as material for advanced-level adult study groups in local churches. It is not an easy task to speak to such a wide spectrum of persons, and we should be grateful to Polk for having done so.
~Russell Pregeant, Professor of Religion and Philosophy and Chaplain, Emeritus, Curry College
