John B. Cobb, Jr., Ph.D. is Professor of Theology Emeritus at the Claremont School of Theology, Claremont, California, and Co-Director of the Center for Process Studies there. His many books currently in print include: Reclaiming the Church (1997); with Herman Daly, For the Common Good; Becoming a Thinking Christian (1993); Sustainability (1992); Can Christ Become Good News Again? (1991); ed. with Christopher Ives, The Emptying God: a Buddhist-Jewish-Christian Conversation (1990); with Charles Birch, The Liberation of Life; and with David Griffin, Process Theology: An Introductory Exposition (1977). He is a retired minister in the United Methodist Church. His email address is
- Economism as Idolatry
- What Kind of Growth?
- Growth Without Progress?
- Is Theological Pluralism Dead in the UMC?
- Globalization With A Human Face
- Can the Church Help God Save the World?
- Cloning — Has Dominion Gone Too Far?
- Shaping a Vision for Cultural Pluralism
- The Disappearance of Theology from the Oldline Churches
- Economic Aspects of Social and Environmental Violence
- The Greening of Theology
- International and Transnational Trade
- The Theological Stake in Globalization
- Wesley the Evangelical
- Wesley the Process Theologian
- Wesley the Liberal
- Wesley – Conclusions
- Wesley the Liberationist
- The World Trade Organization: A Theological Critique
- Being and Person
- The Challenge to Theological Education
- A Christian Critique of Pure Land Buddhism
- The Christian Mission in a Pluralistic World
- Christology in the United States
- Process Theology
- Practical Theology for Creative Ministry
- The Church and Sustainable Living
- Theology and Ecology
- The Christian, the Future, and Paolo Soleri
- A Critical View of Inherited Theology
- To Whom Can We Go? II. Secular and Religious Alternatives
- Do Oldline Churches Have a Future?
- Why Are We Lukewarm? I
- Why Are We Lukewarm? II
- Why Are We Lukewarm? III
- Buddhism and Christianity
- Christianity and Empire
- The Common Good in a Postmodern World
- Did Paul Teach the Doctrine of the Atonement?
- Has Europe Become Theologically Barren?
- Marx and Whitehead
- Process Theology and the Bible: How Science Has Changed Our View of God
- Against Free Trade: A Meeting of Opposites
- Can Corporations Assume Responsibility for the Environment?
- Will Economism End in Time?
- Economics for the Common Good
- Global Market or Community
- Political Economy and the Economization of Politics
- The Road to Sustainability: Progress and Regress
- Education and Economism
- Can Christianity Shape Higher Education in a Pluralistic Age?
- The Best of Times, the Worst of Times
- Beyond `Pluralism’
- Choosing Life
- The Common Good: Individual Rights and Community Responsibility
- Consumerism, Economism, and Christian Faith
- Homosexuality and the Bible
- Faith, Hope and Love: Psalm 82
- To Whom Can We Go? III. Jesus and the University
- Higher Education and the Periodization of History
- Ecology and the Structure of Society
- Making Choices for the Common Good
- To Whom Can We Go? I. Jesus’ Call for Progressive Protestants
- Why Faith Needs Process Philosophy
- The Potential Contribution of Process Thought
- Theological Realism
- Revising Both Science and Theology
- What Shall We Do About “God”?
- Deep Ecology and Process Thought
- Process Psychotherapy
- Whitehead and Anthropology
- Theology in the Twenty-First Century
- North American Theology in the Twentieth Century
- Whitehead
- Whiteheadian Thought
- Amida and Christ:: Buddhism and Christianity
- Human Dignity and the Christian Tradition
- Ethics, Economics and Free Trade
- What is Free About Free Trade?
- Trade in Process Perspective
- An American Protestant Perspective on World Order
- Moral Dilemmas in Economics and Ecology
- Capital
- Eastern View of Economics
- Religion and Economics
- Who Was Jesus? (Colossians 1:19)
- A Theology of Enjoyment for a Post Capitalist Life
- The Practical Need for Metaphysics
- Autobiography
- Ecological Agriculture
- Necessities for an Ecological Civilization
- Re-Reading Science and the Modern World
- The Philosophy of Charles Hartshorne
- Points of Contact Between Process Theology and Liberation Theology in Matters of Faith and Justice
- The Presence of the Past and the Eucharist
- Whitehead and Buddhism
- Prehension
- Saving the Earth
- Denis Hurtubise on Ford and the "Traditional" Interpretation
- Buddhism and the Natural Sciences
- A Buddhist-Christian Critique of Neo-Liberal Economics
- Constructive Postmodernism
- Ecology and Economy
- Envisioning a Fifth Model
- Four Types of Universities
- Free Trade And The World Trade Organization
- The Global Economy and its Theoretical Justification
- Is Whitehead Relevant in China Today?
- Religion and Education
- A Sustainable Society
- Whitehead’s Theory of Value
- The Role of Theology of Nature in the Church
- Response to Ogden and Carpenter
- Process Theology as Political Theology
- Living Options in Protestant Theology
- A Christian Natural Theology Based on the Thought of Alfred North Whitehead
- The Structure of Christian Existence
- Liberal Christianity at the Crossroads
- Doubting Thomas: Christology in Story Form