Man and His Becoming

by Philip H. Phenix

Philip H. Phenix was educated at Princeton University, Union Theological Seminary, and Columbia University. He was formerly Dean of Carleton College, and was professor of Education at Teachers College, Columbia University.

This book presents the Brown and Haley lectures at the University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, Washington given by Philip Phenix in 1964. Published by Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, New Jersey, 1964. This material was prepared for Religion Online by Ted & Winnie Brock.


(ENTIRE BOOK) No single field of study can provide a full picture of human nature and growth. An integral philosophy of man must be founded upon knowledge gained from all areas of inquiry, including the natural sciences, the social sciences, and the humanities.


  • Chapter 1: Being and Becoming Human

    Relatively little of human significance can be discovered in the disciplines of mathematics and the natural sciences, for they are restricted to the objective description of human beings. If these sciences are broadened to include philosophical considerations out of their critical scrutiny of science and technology they will become primes sources of knowledge of man.

  • Chapter 2: Being and Becoming Related

    This chapter considers what the social sciences may contribute to the comprehensive philosophy of man and his becoming. The differences between the natural sciences and the social sciences are discussed.

  • Chapter 3: Being and Becoming Oneself

    The function of the humanities is to disclose human beings as unique persons. Each discipline reveals man as a dynamic unity of matter, reason, and spirit, the differences among the disciplines reflecting different aspects and components of the total life of individual persons.