A bibliography  in  The Revelation of God in History

Book Chapter by John F. Haught

BIBLIOGRAPHY Baillie, John. The Idea of Revelation in Recent Thought. New York: Columbia University Press, 1956. Dulles, Avery. Models of Revelation. Garden City, New York: Doubleday & Co., 1983. Fries, Heinrich. Revelation. New York: Herder and Herder, 1969. Haughey, John C., ed. The Faith That Does Justice. New York: Paulist Press, 1977. Moltmann, Jurgen. Theology …

Chapter 1: The Idea of Revelation  in  The Revelation of God in History

Book Chapter by John F. Haught

The author attempts to express the consensus of much recent theology (Jewish, Protestant and Catholic) that the idea of revelation in history does not imply a magical intrusion of foreign information, as is often imagined in popular piety. Rather it is the opening of the universe to the very possibility of a truly historical mode of existence. Such an interpretation of revelation need not conflict with the legitimate demands of reason.

Doing Justice to Justification

Article by Douglas Harink

Book Review: Christ Present in Faith: Luther’s View of Justification. By Tuomo Mannermaa. Fortress, 158 pp., paperback. One with God: Salvation as Deification and Justification. By Veli-Matti Kärkkäinen. Liturgical Press, 152 pp., $14.95 paperback. The Role of Justification in Contemporary Theology. By Mark C. Mattes. Eerdmans, 216 pp., paperback. Justification: What’s at Stake in the …

Fulfillment Theology and the Future of Christian-Jewish Relations

Article by Isaac C. Rottenberg

The book Auschwitz: Beginning of a New Era? (edited by Eva Fleischner [KTAV, 1977]) contains an exchange between two theologians — a Roman Catholic and a Russian Orthodox — on the question of “fulfillment theology” and its significance for future Christian-Jewish relations. John T. Pawlikowski, following other Catholic scholars such as Rosemary Radford Ruether and …

God Among the Philosophers

Article by Michael D. Beaty

For much of this century, professional philosophers have either shown little interest in religious beliefs and practices or have attacked the Judeo-Christian tradition, contending that it is intellectually and morally bankrupt. During the past couple of decades, however, philosophy of religion and philosophical theology have experienced a rebirth in the British Isles and North America. …

Israel’s Covenant

Article by Darrell Jodock

O Jerusalem! The Contested Future of the Jewish Covenant, by Marc H. Ellis, Augsburg Fortress, l86pp. $20.00 Marc Ellis is a proponent of Jewish liberation theology. Ellis is a critic of the national theology of Israel, which asserts that post-Holocaust Jews have a right to a homeland in Israel. Because that national theology ignores the …

Luther and Liberation

Article by Frederick Herzog

The 500th anniversary of Martin Luther’s birth — November 10, 1483 — is still three years off; yet it is not too soon to begin pondering and reconsidering Luther in anticipation of that half-millennium celebration. The Christian Century earlier this year (June 4-11 issue) noted that Communist Party chief Erich Honnecker will officially chair the …

Small Is Beautiful, and So Is Rome: Surprising Faith of E.F. Schumacher

Article by Charles Fager

What does it mean that E. F. Schumacher’s book Small Is Beautiful: Economics As If People Mattered (Harper & Row, 1973), has caught on so strongly, especially among people who are exploring “alternatives” of various sorts — economic, political, spiritual? Originally published in England, the volume has now sold more than a million copies worldwide. …

The Meaning of Life

Article by John M. Phelan

Early in 1984 a former student of mine from the sixties called me from Washington, where he is now working as a dedicated and notable labor lawyer. It was to give me bad news. He had been and remained an extraordinary person, having sailed around the world numerous times in the Merchant Marine both before …

The New Orthodoxy?

Article by David S. Cunningham

It’s difficult to predict which new theological movements will have real staying power and which are destined for the scrap heap. When a group of prominent British academics introduced their 1977 collection The Myth of God Incarnate at a press conference, people were stunned and the book sold like hotcakes. Today, it’s largely forgotten, difficult …

Theology in 1977 and Beyond

Article by Kenan B. Osborne, O.F.M.

The preceding decades have been tumultuous, both within the theological world and outside it. For theology there was the post-Bultmannian school, the death-of-God theology, Vatican II and all that led to it and stemmed from it, the surge of ecumenical thought and dialogue, Christian-Marxist dialogue, Jewish-Christian discussions, liberation theologies. But other factors, both social and, …


Article by Ian Curran

The Mystery of the Transfiguration. By Raniero Cantalamessa, O.F.M. Cap. Servant, 144 pp. Transfiguration. By Dorothy Lee. Continuum, 168 pp. Metamorphosis: The Transfiguration in Byzantine Theology and Iconography. By Andreas Andreopoulos. St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 286 pp. The Uncreated Light: An Iconographical Study of the Transfiguration in the Eastern Church. By Solrunn Nes. Eerdmans, 207 …