A Word of Thanks  in  The Pleasures of Her Text

Book Chapter by Alice Bach

The contributions in this volume originally appeared in Union Seminary Quarterly Review (USQR). This publication is among a handful of scholarly journals edited entirely by doctoral students. Although USQR has a Faculty Advisory Board of distinguished scholars representing many aspects of biblical and theological endeavor, the editorial policies, subject matter of each issue, and editing …

An Argument for Christian Ecofeminism

Article by Cristina Traina

BOOK REVIEW: Gaia and God: An Ecofeminist Theology of Earth Healing.By Rosemary Radford Ruether, HarperCollins, 310 pp., $22.00 The field of ecological ethics is fast becoming a morass of positions among which only specialists distinguish: creation spirituality, deep ecofeminism and the animal rights movement. Thus the title of Rosemary Radford Ruether’s latest volume is apt …

Authority or Idolatry? Feminine Theology and the Church

Article by Penelope Washbourn

Just as Mary Wollstonecraft’s A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, first published in 1792, challenged the structures of 18th century society, so does contemporary feminist theology call into question the structures of traditional Christian thought and practice. Wollstonecraft’s conviction that the position of women in society should be improved led her finally to a …

Beyond the Feminist Critique: A Shaking of the Foundations

Article by Harold H. Oliver

Feminism may well be the most radical challenge ever to arise within the church. For while previous challenges pronounced judgment upon doctrines or practices by recourse to the original tradition, many feminists pronounce judgment upon the tradition itself. Many in the modern church find this radical posture institutionally and personally threatening. Psychological and sociological criteria …

Black Theology vs. Feminist Theology

Article by Rosemary Ruether

The two most important expressions of liberation theology to emerge from the American experience in the late 1960s are black theology and feminist theology. Unfortunately, an undeclared war is brewing between them. First white male-dominated seminaries across the country adjusted their self-absolutizing perspective slightly to find a few crumbs for black studies More recently they …

Chapter 2: Protestant Feminists and the Bible: On the Horns of a Dilemma by Mary Ann Tolbert  in  The Pleasures of Her Text

Book Chapter by Alice Bach

The author first reviews the struggle of Protestant feminists with their own special problems, particularly with the androcentric conviction of “sola scriptura”, the fragmented diversity of various denominations that marginalize women even farther from each other, and the emphasis on the individual rather than the community. She then outlines some major feminist responses in the service of liberation.

Christianity and New Feminist Religions

Article by Patricia Wilson-Kastner

One week during our usual Thursday chapel hour at United Theological Seminary, the women’s caucus organized and led a well-constructed and skillfully enacted worship service for the seminary community. Most of the imagery, the visual symbols and the language expressed the spooking, sparking and spinning which Mary Daly in her recent book Gyn/Ecology proposes to …

Cross Talk: A Feminist Appreciation of Luther’s Theology

Article by Mary M. Solberg

Reflections on another view of Luther Tracing one’s intellectual or theological ancestry is a worthwhile and honorable pastime. But there are hazards. Chief among them is that, as much as we may come to understand the world within which our historical forbears functioned, we must make all our judgments about them and about the past …

Digging in the Gardens of Feminist Theology

Article by Gretchen E. Ziegenhals

Feminist scholars are divided over strategies for defining women and women’s experience. Radicals like Monique Wittig, who see the present systems as categorically exclusive, advocate inventing new ways of speaking and even new categories of experience. Liberals, on the other hand, aim to increase women’s power and expression by working within traditional contexts, rereading, redefining …

Ecofeminism, Reverence for Life, and Feminist Theological Ethics

Article by Lois K Daly

Feminist theologies are among the most promising of contemporary theological options. As these theologies often make clear, the ways of thinking that have led to a destruction of the earth and an exploitation of animals are often the very ways of thinking that have led to an exploitation of women. To overcome male-centeredness is also …

Feminism and Peace

Article by Rosemary Ruether

One of the early peace groups to draw a connection between feminism and peace was the Garrisonian wing, of the New England Non-Resistance Society in the 1830s, including among its members such prominent early abolitionist-feminists as Maria Weston Chapman, Lucretia Mott and William Lloyd Garrison himself. The group was also responsible for arranging the New …

Feminist Theology for a New Generation

Article by Joy Ann McDougall

Ten years ago Rebecca Chopp described how women’s voices and feminist practices were transforming theological education and the church. Women, she said, were "doing saving work." Doing saving work signified something more than redressing gender injustices or adding women’s stories to the church’s story. It pointed to the distinctive practices that women were undertaking, practices …

Feminist Theology in a Global Perspective

Article by Susan Hill Lindley

The women’s movement and feminist theology have frequently been castigated for their preoccupation with the concerns of white; middleclass North American women. In some cases, the criticism is voiced by adamant opponents who seek to discredit feminist efforts; in other cases, it comes from those sympathetic to women’s rights. Both kinds of critics argue that …

Goddesses and Witches: Liberation and Countercultural Feminism

Article by Rosemary Ruether

Western social movements have a tendency to "trifurcate" into three trends: liberal reformist, socialist and countercultural romanticist. This division was evident in the movements of the 1960s and it is not surprising to find similar trends in feminism. Liberal reformers are basically concerned to achieve greater democratic participation and access of all persons to the …

Introduction  in  The Pleasures of Her Text

Book Chapter by Alice Bach

Following the introduction of the various chapter contributors in this volume, the author sketches her theme of a search for nonhierarchical articulation of sexual differences in language in the furtherance of feminism, especially in scholarly publications.

Woman-Power in the Canonical Gospels: A Paradigm for the Modern Patriarchal Societies

Article by T. Johnson Chakkuvarackal

Introduction One of the central themes of the Bible is equality. In biblical times, depending on the station in life a woman occupied, whether she was single or married, childless or widowed, her social significance varied considerably; and this is reflected in the use of the words dealt with. Gune, which can stand for mistress, …