Can Corporations Assume Responsibility for the Environment?

Article by John B. Cobb, Jr.

In the past few decades we have witnessed a massive transfer of power from nation states to corporations. Of course, corporations have been powerful actors for a long time. In the late nineteenth century they were able to control many politicians in the United States and thereby acquire what they wanted. This process has continued …

Chapter Three: Land Animals and Humans – The Sixth Day  in  The Splendor of Creation, a Biblical Ecology (excerpts)

Book Chapter by Ellen Bernstein

And God said, “Let the earth bring forth a living soul after its kind: cattle and creeper and wild beast of the earth after its kind.”And it was so. And God made the wild beast of the earth after its kind, and the cattle after its kind and every creeper of the earth after its …

Community of Life: Ecological Theology in African Perspective

Article by Harvey Sindima

That Christian theology throughout its history has been transformed by sources outside of Christianity is a well-known fact. That it should be open to transformation through the insights of the various traditions, that it should be open to the possibilities of creative transformation by contact with the wisdom and vision of other sources, is highly …

Cynics, Martyrs and the Importance of Energy Conservation

Article by Peter Penner

Since 1973, most of us have heard so much about “the energy crisis” that the phrase has lost all meaning. We have lived through a steady stream of energy price increases, presidential proclamations, severe-weather energy shortages and raging debate on the various energy-supply technologies. Life remains tolerable and changes slowly for most Americans, and huge …

Driving Global Warming

Article by Bill McKibben

Up until some point in the 1960s, people of a certain class routinely belonged to segregated country clubs without giving it much thought — it was “normal.” And then, in the space of a few years, those memberships became immoral. As a society, we’d crossed some threshold where the benefits — a good place to …

Eco-minded: Faith and Action

Article by Charles Pinches

BOOK REVIEW: Earth Community, Earth Ethics,b y Larry L. Rasmussen. Orbis, 425 pp., $30.00. In an article published in Science in 1967, Lynn White called Christianity the root historical cause of our ecological crisis. This infamous indictment has now been qualified by the response of many theologians who, while admitting Christianity’s complicity in our environmental …

Ecology and the Fall

Article by Donald Heinz

Those leaves They gathered, broad as Amazonian targe, And with what skill they had together sewed, To gird their waist — vain covering if to hide Their guilt and dreadful shame; O how unlike To that first naked glory. Such of late Columbus found the American so girt With feathered cincture, naked else and wild …

Ecology, Justice and Theology: Beyond the Preliminary Skirmishes

Article by H. Paul Santmire

Only in its infancy — or perhaps its latency period — the ecology movement has come under attack on every side. The Daughters of the American Revolution condemn, its “communist tendencies.” Utilities and other corporate interests, in a parade of TV advertisements defending atomic power plants and off-shore oil wells, suggest that environmentalists are sincere …

Farm Factories

Article by Bernard E. Rollin

A young man was working for a company that operated a large, total-confinement swine farm. One day he detected symptoms of a disease among some of the feeder pigs. As a teen, he had raised pigs himself and shown them in competition, so he knew how to treat the animals. But the company’s policy was …

Farming for God

Article by H. Paul Santmire

Book Reviews: The Paradise of God: Renewing Religion in an Ecological Age. By Norman Wirzba. Oxford University Press, 240 pp. The Yahwist’s Landscape: Nature and Religion In Early Israel. By Theodore Hiebert. Oxford University Press, 210 pp. The Ethos of the Cosmos: The Genesis of Moral Imagination in the Bible. By William P. Brown. Eerdmans. …

Imaging a Theology of Nature: The World as God’s Body

Article by Sallie McFague

In this essay, theologian Sallie McFague, author of the influential Models of God: Theology for an Ecological Nuclear Age, engages in what she calls heuristic theology. The aim of such theology is to interpret God, albeit with humility, in an ecologically responsible manner. Such is the need, so McFague claims, of our “ecological, nuclear age.” …

In God’s Ecology

Article by H. Paul Santmire

In his book Earth in Balance, Al Gore asks, “Why does it feel faintly heretical to a Christian to suppose that God is in us as human beings? Why do our children believe that the Kingdom of God is up, somewhere in the ethereal reaches of space, far removed from this planet?” Gore expresses here …

Introduction: The Splendor of Creation: A Biblical Ecology  in  The Splendor of Creation, a Biblical Ecology (excerpts)

Book Chapter by Ellen Bernstein

At the core of the environmental crisis is a great divide between mind and body, between head and heart, between human and nature. This divide is not new. The world’s religions and mythologies have always told stories of humanity’s separation from nature. But today the split is so vast that its consequences on the environment …

Land and People: The Eco-Justice Connection

Article by Joseph C. Hough

Conferences during the early days of the environmental movement were often punctuated by sharp exchanges between environmentalists and the advocates of justice for the poor. The environmentalists argued that without a strenuous attempt to contain growth there was no future for anyone. The advocates of justice for the poor accused the environmentalists of being elitists …

New Testament Foundations for Understanding the Creation

Article by Paulos Mar Gregorios

Christians interested in ecological theologies have much to gain from an encounter with other religions. Sometimes this encounter, as exemplified in McDaniel’s essay later in this work, will result in an appropriation of insights of other perspectives. Yet sometimes it will result instead in a sympathetic yet critical rejection of non-Christian perspectives through which Christian …

Saving the Earth

Article by John B. Cobb, Jr.

Book Review: The Collapse of the Kyoto Protocol and the Struggle to Slow Global Warming By David C. Victor Princeton University Press, 114 pp., When the threat of global warming burst into our awareness about 15 years ago, I was profoundly shaken. Human action would lead to the melting of the polar ice caps and …

Stewards of the Earth’s Resources: A Christian Response to Ecology

Article by J. Patrick Dobel

Browsing in a local bookstore recently, I took down several of the more general books from the “Ecology” shelf. Scanning the tables of Contents and indexes of 13 books, I discovered that nine of them made reference to “Christianity,” “the Bible” or the “Judeo-Christian tradition.” Examining their contents more closely, I found that seven of …

The Christian, the Future, and Paolo Soleri

Article by John B. Cobb, Jr.

For all our Christian talk of hope, we are offering little hope today. Some people still believe that our problems can be solved within the basic structures of our society. New international agreements on trade and development, increased support for the industrializing nations, the "green revolution," implementation of birth control programs, adjustments in the economic …

The Splendor of Creation, a Biblical Ecology (excerpts)

Book by Ellen Bernstein

(BOOK EXCERPTS) The introduction and three excerpts from The Splendor of Creation, A Biblical Ecology by Ellen Bernstein. The book is comprised of 31 ecologically oriented essays inspired by the 31 verses of Genesis 1:1- Genesis 2:3, the first Creation story. The excerpts are on the Mystery of Creation, The Gift of Time, and Genesis 1:28: Dominion.

The World as God’s Body

Article by Sallie McFague

I spent my last sabbatical leave in England, that green and pleasant land, where in contrast to our countryside there are no billboards and little trash. I recall an early-morning bus trip to Coventry; the lovely, gently rolling hills, quaint villages and thatched-roofed cottages. There were sheep dotting the hills — but also something else: …

Theology and Ecology

Article by John B. Cobb, Jr.

            I awoke to the importance of the environmental crisis in the summer of 1969.  One of my sons pushed me to read Paul Ehrlich’s The Population Bomb.  For the first time I saw the interconnection between the growth of population, dominant economic practices, the exhaustion of resources, and pollution.  Although even then I recognized …

Toward an Earth Charter

Article by Larry Rassmussen

An earth summit will take place next June in Rio de Janeiro. Organized as the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), the summit will gather world heads of state who are expected to propose strategies for stemming the riptide of environmental degradation and fostering sustainable development. One envisioned outcome is an Earth Charter. …