- Christian Megastar by Mark Yaconelli
- Christian Missions and the Western Guilt Complex by Lamin Sanneh
- Christian Obligation for the Liberation of Nature by L. Charles Birch
- Christian Perspectives on Suicide by William E. Phipps
- Christian Politics ‘Reformation" Style by Robin Lovin
- Christian Politics ‘Reformation’ Style by Robin Lovin
- Christian Science Today: Resuming the Dialogue by Stephen Gottschalk
- Christian Spirituality (1 Corinthians 1:18-25) by T.V. Philip
- Christian Themes in Harry Potter by Leonie Caldecott
- Christian Theology: Towards an Asian Reconstruction by C.S. Song
- Christianity and Academic Soul-searching by Mark R. Schwehn and Dorothy Bass
- Christianity and Animal Rights: The Challenge and Promise by Tom Regan
- Christianity and Cultures: Transforming Niebuhr’s Categories by George Marsden
- Christianity and Empire by John B. Cobb, Jr.
- Christianity and New Feminist Religions by Patricia Wilson-Kastner
- Christianity and the Status Quo by Herbert Butterfield
- Christians and Social Ministry: Witnesses to a New Age by Arthur E. Walmsley
- Christians and Their Ancestors: A Dilemma of African Theology by Jack Partain
- Christology ‘From Below’ by Leo D. Lefebure
- Christology in the United States by John B. Cobb, Jr.
- Christology Reconsidered: John Cobb’s ‘Christ in a Pluralistic Age’ by Schubert M. Ogden
- Church and State in China by K.K. Yeo
- Church and State: The Ramparts Besieged by Robert L. Maccox
- Church Education for Tomorrow by John H. Westerhoff III
- Church Market: Investing in Congregations by Donald A. Luidens
- Church Music in the ‘90s: Problems and Prognoses by Carl Schalk
- Church Realities and Christian Identity in the 21st Century by Robert Wuthnow
- Church Vesture as Art by Erwin M. Soukup
- Churches in Communities: A Place to Stand by Jim Gittings
- Churches’ Witness on the Family by W. Bradford Wilcox
- Churchgoers From Elsewhere by John Dart
- Cityscape by James W. Lewis
- Civil Society: Unity and Oikos (the House of God) by Yong-Bok Kim
- Class Issues by Lillian Daniel
- Clay Pots (Romans 8:1-11; Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23) by Bill O’Brien
- Clean Sweep (Luke 15:1-10) by Jennifer E. Copeland
- Cleaning Up the Wedding by William Willimon
- Clergy Morale: The Ups and Downs by Susan Harrington DeVogel
- Clergywomen and Senior Pastorates by Carole Carlson
- Climate Change and the Unraveling of Creation by Bill McKibben
- Cloning — Has Dominion Gone Too Far? by John B. Cobb, Jr.
- Close Call (Genesis 22:1-14) by Melinda Bresee Hinners
- Close-knit Megachurches by John Dart
- Clothed With Compassion (Acts 9:36-43) by Heidi A. Peterson
- Colombia’s War: Drugs, Oil and Markets by Tom F. Driver
- Colombian Coal Mines: The Pits of Exploitation by C. Towers
- Combating Modern-day Feudalism: Land as God’s Gift by Walter Rybeck and Ronald Pasquariello
- Combating Racism: Touch and Tell by Richard A. Hoehn
- Come on Down (Ex. 34:29-35; Lk 9:28-36) by William Willimon
- Come Unto Me (Matthew 11:25-30) by T.V. Philip