Lamin Sanneh teaches missions and world Christianity and history at Yale Divinity School. He is an editor-at-large of The Christian Century.
- A Child Shall Lead Us (Is. 11:6, 8-9; Mk. 10:15; Matt. 18:1ff; Lk. 11:11ff)
- Dreams and Letting God Be God (Isa. 7:10-17)
- The Owl in the Daylight (Rom. 13:11; Mark 4:22; Luke 8:17; 11:33)
- Waiting on God (Isa. 35:1f)
- The Spirit in Sound Doctrine (II Timothy 1; II Timothy 3:14-4:5)
- Tales of Miraculous Healing (Luke 17:19)
- Human Folly on a Grand Scale (Amos 6:4; I Tim. 6:9)
- Naming and the Act of Faith (II Tim. 1:5)
- A New Moon Sensitivity (Amos 8:4-7, I timothy 2:1-8, Luke 16:1-3)
- Rushdie’s Moral Hegira
- Do Christians and Muslims Worship the Same God? Part Two
- Global Christianity and the Re-education of the West
- Muslim-Christian Encounters: Governments under God
- Between East and West: Confrontation and Encounter
- Particularity, Pluralism and Commitment
- Christian Missions and the Western Guilt Complex