Conservative Christians and Gay Civil Rights

Article by Letha Scanzoni

When Bloomington, Indiana (population 62,000 and home of Indiana University), adopted legislation guaranteeing civil rights to homosexual persons, a heated controversy arose. By a city council vote in December 1975, discrimination based on sexual preference was prohibited in employment, housing, education and access to public accommodations. Many of the community’s conservative Christians saw the ordinance …

Gays and the Bible: A Response to Walter Wink

Article by Robert A. J. Gagnon

The tone of Walter Wink’s review of my book The Bible and Homosexual Practice (“To hell with gays?,” Christian Century June 5-12) is a disheartening reminder of how mean-spirited the debate about homosexual behavior can get. The title is inflammatory. The first sentence smacks of paranoid conspiracy theories: “It was inevitable that the antihomosexual lobby …

Homosexuality and Christian Faith: A Theological Reflection

Article by Theodore W. Jennings

The question of the appropriate relation of the church to homosexuals and homosexuality has emerged as one of major importance in the deliberations of denominational bodies. The ensuing debate too often takes the form of a contest between defenders of traditional morality on the one hand and apologists for homosexual life style on the other. …

Homosexuality and the Evangelical: The Influence of Contemporary Culture

Article by Robert K. Johnston

In its first issue for the year 1978, Christianity Today asked a variety of evangelical leaders to assess what was the most noteworthy religious development of the previous year and to predict what would be most important in the upcoming one. Hudson Armerding, president of Wheaton College responded, “I personally feel that the issue of …

Homosexuality and the Vatican

Article by Robert Nugent, S.D.S.

The initial response to Educational Guidance in Human  Love, published on December 1, 1983, by the Sacred Congregation for Catholic Education, has been largely positive. Father James Burtchaell calls the new document ‘dull but not damning’ (National Catholic Reporter, December 16, 1983). Comparing it with the 1975 Vatican Declaration on Certain Questions concerning Sexual Ethics, …

Rethinking Homosexuality

Article by Don Browning

BOOK REPORT: The Construction of Homosexuality. By David Greenberg. University of Chicago Press, 635 pp, $29.95.   This is the most extensive and thorough world history of homosexuality ever written. Yet it is more accurate to call it a work of sociology than a work of history, for it develops a specific and arresting sociological …