A New Era in Catholic Church Communication

Article by Frances Ford Plude

A communication era ended in the U.S. Catholic Church recently; American bishops voted at their Chicago meeting to close down the church’s satellite system and to begin a strategic planning effort to discern current telecommunications needs and how to respond to them. It is probably appropriate for the church to "re-engineer" its communication efforts, similar …

Forums for Dialogue: Teleconferencing and the American Catholic Church

Article by Frances Ford Plude

An essential component of human organization, from religious communities to constitutional democracies, public opinion depends on public expression and public assembly. Today we speak and assemble in ways unknown to past generations of theologians, political leaders, and social theorists. Our forums have changed: Some have disappeared; others have arisen. Our small Town Hall debates and …

The Church and the Coming Electronic Revolution: An interview with

Article by Parker Rossman

Television’s revolutionary impact on culture is scarcely understood yet, and in any case it is only the precursor of the greater electronic-media revolution to come. One phase of that revolution with dramatic implications for Christian faith and institutions is perhaps months away: commercial production of the laser video-disc. To assess some of the potential impact …