A Protestant Look At American Catholicism

Article by John C. Bennett, Stanley Lowell and William Clancy

The attitudes of Americans toward church-state relations depend in considerable measure on their attitude toward Roman Catholicism. The chief concern that lies back of the convictions of non-Catholics is the concern for religious liberty, and the chief threat to religious liberty is seen in the tremendous growth of Roman Catholicism as a cultural and political …

Catholic Nuns and the Need for Responsible Dissent

Article by Jeannine Gramick

In a letter dated July 13, 1988, Sisters Barbara Ferraro and Patricia Hussey resigned from their religious congregation, the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur (SND) , after a protracted struggle with the Roman Catholic Church involving their public pro-choice stand on abortion. Since 1984, the two had been frequent speakers at pro-choice demonstrations. In …

Catholic Oaths and Academic Freedom

Article by Michael B. Lukens

The tension has been exacerbated by the recent Vatican decision to reinstate fidelity oaths and to tighten bishops’ regulation of theological teaching at Catholic colleges and universities. This past February the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, led by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, raised the stakes for Catholic theological faculties and, indirectly, for all theological …

Four Churches in One: Latin American Catholicism

Article by Robert Jones

In Latin America the Roman Catholic Church, though officially a single institution, actually takes four forms. As I learned about Latin American Christianity during two stays at the Cuernavaca Center for International Dialogue on Development (CC1DD) and during a trip to Nicaragua, I felt that I was also gaining insight into North American Christianity — …

The Catholic Experience at Taming Pluralism

Article by Joseph M. McShane, S.J.

For American Catholics, 1989 is a year crowded with anniversaries, including the centennial of the founding of the Catholic University of America and the bicentennial of both the establishment of Georgetown University (and, by extension, of Jesuit education) and the erection of the American hierarchy. While these various milestones will be celebrated with assemblies both …

The Changing Church  in  The Christian of the Future

Book Chapter by Karl Rahner

Some thoughts on the limits of change within the self-understanding of the Catholic Church, seeking not merely to warn against a falsely understood "progressism," but, with the same decisiveness, to arouse courage to discover new and bold ways in the Church of God.

The Teaching of Vatican II on The Church and The Future Reality of Christian Life  in  The Christian of the Future

Book Chapter by Karl Rahner

A preview of the post-conciliar epoch: which of the teachings of the Constitution of the Church will especially have to touch the heart of the future Christian if he is to live his faith in the world of tomorrow?A preview of the post-conciliar epoch: which of the teachings of the Constitution of the Church will especially have to touch the heart of the future Christian if he is to live his faith in the world of tomorrow?