Martha P. Sterne is pastor of Saint Andrew’s Episcopal Church in Maryville, Tennessee.
- Abundant Life (Prov. 25:6-7; Heb. 13:1-8,15-16; Lk. 14:1, 7-14)
- God in a Pocket (Jer. 23:23-29; Ps. 82; Heb. 11:29-12:2; Lk. 12:49-56)
- Seeking the Lost Sheep (Ex. 32:7-14;Ps. 51;1-10; 1 Tim. 1:12-17; Lk. 15:1-10)
- Building Bigger Closets (Ec. 1:2, 12-14; 2:18-23;<I> </I>Ps. 49:1-12; Col. 3:1-11 Lk. 12:13-21)