ABCs of Faith

Article by Debra Bendis

At an Alpha training conference in Detroit, a dozen people came forward to testify to the power of the Alpha program. One couple had been close to divorce when they encountered Alpha. The course inspired them to salvage their marriage and become active in a church. A young man said he had tried various spiritual …

Evangelism When Certainty Is an Illusion

Article by John Shelby Spong

Some years ago, when Episcopal Church leaders thought they were experiencing a communications problem, an elaborate plan for consultation with diocesan decision-making bodies was undertaken. At that time there was a noticeable decline in the number of Episcopalians in America. This program was designed to let “the grass-roots people speak” and to set future priorities …

Parallel Conversions: Charismatics and Recovered Alcoholics

Article by Joseph H. Fichter

Something happens to the converted alcoholic or the converted charismatic that brings about change, sometimes a quick illumination, but often a rather gradual and increasingly insistent spiritual awakening. The spiritual conversion experienced by both of these groups is intended to carry the individual along in a “new” way of life, and it does for those …

Youth on the Edge

Article by D. Michael Lindsay

The current cohort of American teenagers between he ages of 13 and 17 is lonely, spiritually hungry and intensely aware of the threat of violence. That’s the profile that emerges from a recent Gallup Youth Survey. Young people fear for their safety at school more than ever, despite dramatic increases in security measures. Nearly one …