
The Book of Exodus
by B. Davie Napier


The LAYMANstyle="font-family:'WP MultinationalA Roman'">*S BIBLE COMMENTARY is based on the conviction that the Bible has the Word of good news for the whole world. The Bible is not the property of a special group. It is not even the property and concern of the Church alone. It is given to the Church for its own life but also to bring Godstyle="font-family:'WP MultinationalA Roman'">*s offer of life to all mankind – wherever there are ears to hear and hearts to respond.

It is this point of view which binds the separate parts of the LAYMANstyle="font-family:'WP MultinationalA Roman'">*S BIBLE COMMENTARY into a unity. There are many volumes and many writers, coining from varied backgrounds, as is the case with the Bible itself. But also as with the Bible there is a unity of purpose and of faith. The purpose is to clarify the situations and language of the Bible that it may be more and more fully understood. The faith is that in the Bible there is essentially one Word, one message of salvation, one gospel.

The LAYMANstyle="font-family:'WP MultinationalA Roman'">*S BIBLE COMMENTARY is designed to be a concise non-technical guide for the layman in personal study of his own Bible. Therefore, no biblical text is printed along with the comment upon it. This commentary will have done its work precisely to the degree in which it moves its readers to take up the Bible for themselves.

The writers have used the Revised Standard Version of the Bible as their basic text. Occasionally they have differed from this translation. Where this is the case they have given their reasons. In the main, no attempt has been made either to justify the wording of the Revised Standard Version or to compare it with other translations.

The objective in this commentary is to provide the most helpful explanation of fundamental matters in simple, up-to-date terms. Exhaustive treatment of subjects has not been undertaken.

In our age knowledge of the Bible is perilously low. At the same time there are signs that many people are longing for help in getting such knowledge. Knowledge of and about the Bible is, of course, not enough. The grace of God and the work of the Holy Spirit are essential to the renewal of life through the Scriptures. It is in the happy confidence that the great hunger for the Word is a sign of Godstyle="font-family:'WP MultinationalA Roman'">*s grace already operating within men, and that the Spirit works most wonderfully where the Word is familiarly known, that this commentary has been written and published.