Jason Byassee is pastor of Shady Grove United Methodist Church in Providence. North Carolina. and a Ph.D. candidate in theology at Duke Divinity School.
- What is the Church For?
- Strategies for Urban Ministry
- Worship at the U2charist
- An Interview with John Webster
- Three Resources for Christian Formation
- Splitting Up
- The Impact of Orthodox Theology
- Protestants and Marian Devotion — What about Mary?
- The St. John’s Bible Project
- Can a Jew Be a Christian?
- What’s Behind "Left Behind?"
- A Passion for Reconciliation: An interview with Chris Rice
- Alternative Christian Communities
- What do Associate Pastors Want?
- Becoming Church
- The Health and Wealth Gospel
- Going Catholic
- A Visit to Jacob’s Well
- I Was in Prison
- Dare to Discipline?
- Virtual Seminary
- Dinosaurs in the Garden
- Pop Pulpits
- New Kind of Christian
- How Martyrs are Made