Curriculum in the Public Schools: Can Compromise Be Reached?

Article by Charles L. Glenn

Do strongly held religious convictions inevitably conflict with our system of public education? A visitor from another planet might well conclude that they do, given the heated attacks on public schools from the “religious right,” and the equally heated warnings by “strict separationists” that there is a plot by “zealots” to impose religious uniformity on …

The Bible’s Place in the Public School

Article by Rose Sallberg Kam

No doubt about it, religion is “in” today. Millions of bumper stickers exhort drivers to read their Bibles or to honk if they know Jesus. Students flaunt Jesus buttons and Jesus T-shirts. Televised specials and magazine photo-articles feature “Jesus freaks” and Pentecostal groups. Young people meet to discuss the Bible in homes, church basements, classrooms, …

Transmitting a Vision: Religion in Independent Schools

Article by Daniel R. Heischman

In an independent school in Tennessee, a class on world religions gets sidetracked when a tenth grader mentions the controversial movie The Last Temptation of Christ. Two Southern Baptist students insist that they would never go to see the movie because of how the screenplay may have distorted the New Testament portrayal of Jesus. Their …