What can We Learn from Islam: The Struggle for True Religion
by Marcus Braybrooke
Books mentioned in the text:
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Arberry, A J, Doctrines of the Sufis, Cambridge University Press.
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Bell, Richard, The Qur’an Translated, T and T Clark, Edinburgh.
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Cambridge University Press, 1970.
Braybrooke, Marcus Christian-Jewish Dialogue: The Next Steps, SCM Press 2000,
Braybrooke, Marcus Faith and Interfaith in A Global Age, CoNexus and Braybrooke Press, 1998,
Bryant, M Darrol and Ali, S A, Muslim-Christian Dialogue: Promise and Problems,
Christians and Muslims in the Commonwealth, Altajir World of Islam Trust, 2001
Cragg, Kenneth, Readings in the Qur’an, Collins, 1998.
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Esack, F, Qur’an, Liberation and Pluralism Oneworld, 1997.
Esack, F, On Being a Muslim, Oneworld, 1999
Hellwig, Monika ‘From Christ to God: The Christian Perspective’ in Jews and Christians Speak of Jesus, Ed Arthur E Zannoni, Fortress Press 1994
Hourani, A, Islam in European Thought, Cambridge University Press 1991.
Husain, S A, Islam, Punjabi University, Patiala, 1969.
Hussein, Kamel, City of Wrong, ET Kenneth Cragg, Amsterdam 1959, London 1960.
Ibn (al-)Arabi in Tarjuman al-Ashwaq, E.T. by R A Nicholson
Khalid, K M Together on the Road, Muhammad and Jesus, Cairo,.n.d.
Khan, I A, Insight Into the Qur’an: Reflections Upon Divine Signs, Genuine
Khan Muhammad Zafrulla, Muhammad: Seal of the Prophets, Routledge and Kegan Paul 1980,
Lings, M, Muhammad, George Allen and Unwin, 1983.
Mitchell, R P, The Society of the Muslim Brothers, London, 1969
Mortimer, Edward Faith and Power in the Politics of Islam, Faber and Faber 1982, Muhaiyaddeen, Muhammad Raheem Bawa, Islam and World Peace, The Fellowship Press, Philadelphia, PA 19131, 1987.
Nasr, Seyyed Hossein, Living Sufism, Unwin, 1972
Nielsen, N C, Fundamentalism, Mythos and World Religions, State University of New York Press, 1993.
Noibi, Daud O S, ‘O People of the Book: The Qur’an’s Approach to Interfaith Co-operation’. a paper given at the New Delhi Colloquium of the Inter-Religious Federation for World Peace.
Otto R, The Idea of the Holy, (1917) Penguin, 1959.
Padwick, C, Muslim Devotions, SPCK, 1961
Parrinder, E. G, Jesus in the Qur’an, Sheldon 1976,
Parto, S., Seven Faces, Teheran, n.d..
Pilgrimage to Mecca, General Directorate of Press of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. N.d.
Quasem, M A, The Recitation and Interpretation of the Qur’an, Bagi, Selangor, Malaysia. 1979.
Repentance: A Comparative Perspective, ed. Etzioni, A and Carney, D E, Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, 1997
Robinson, N, Discovering the Qur’an, SCM Press, 1996.
Sajid, Abduljalil ‘The Islamic View of Jesus’, Pamphlet published by Brighton Islamic Mission, n.d..
Schimmel, A, And Muhammed is his Messenger, University of South Carolina Press, 1995
Smith, W Cantwell, What is Scripture?, SCM Press, 1993.
Tutu, D, No Future Without Forgiveness, Rider 1999.
Vahiduddin, S, What Christ Means to Me. unpublished paper.
Wahiduddin Khan, Islam and Peace, al-Risala, New Delhi, 1999
Watt, W Montgomery, Islam and Christianity Today, Routledge and Kegan Paul1983.
Watt, W Montgomery, Islamic Fundamentalism and Modernity, Routledge, 1988
Zakaria, R, Muhammad and the Qur’an, Penguin 1991.
Most quotations from the Qur’an are from the English translation by Yusuf Ali as revised and edited by the Presidency of Islamic Researches of Saudi Arabia.