Process Philosophy and Christian Thought
by Delwin Brown, Ralph James, Gene Reeves (eds.)
The intent of this bibliography is to present, as far as possible, a complete listing of significant works on Whiteheadian process theology. It includes all of the works by Whitehead and Hartshorne that have obvious theological importance, works on theological topics that have been significantly influenced by Whiteheadian philosophy, and essays that are critical of process theology. It does not include unpublished articles and dissertations, most book reviews, or journal articles that have been subsequently published in books (including the present volume). Neither does it include a complete bibliography for any individual philosopher or theologian, since the philosophers have written material that is not directly relevant to theology and the theologians have written material that does not especially reflect the influence of process philosophy.
Allan, George and Merle Allshouse. "Current Issues in Process Theology,"
The Christian Scholar, L (1967), 167-175.
Ames, E. S. "Humanism Fulfilled," The Christian Century, LIV (1937), 1075- 1167.
Aubrey, Edwin E. "The Naturalistic Conception of Man," The Journal of Religion, XIX (1939), 189-200.
____________ Present Theological Tendencies. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1936.
Azar, Larry. "Whitehead: Challenging a Challenge," The Thomist, XXX (1966), 80-87.
Barbour, Ian. Issues in Science and Religion. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1966.
____________ "Teilhard’s Process Metaphysics," The Journal of Religion, XLIX (1969), 136-159.
Barnhart, J. E. "Incarnation and Process Theology," Religious Studies, II(1967), 225-232.
Beer, Samuel H. The City of Reason. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1949.
Bennett, John C. "Three Levels of Persuasiveness," Christendom, VII (1942), 102-104.
Bidney, D. "The Problem of Substance in Spinoza and Whitehead," The Philosophical Review, XLV (1936), 574-592.
Birch, L. Charles. "Creation and the Creator," The Journal of Religion, XXXVI (1957), 85-98.
____________ Nature and God. Philadelphia: Westminster, 1965.
Bixler, J. S. "Whitehead’s Philosophy of Religion," The Philosophy of Alfred North Whitehead, P. A. Schilpp, ed. New York: Tudor, 1941.
Bodkin, M. "Physical Agencies and Divine Persuasion," Philosophy, XX (1945), 148-161.
Boodin, J. E. Three Interpretations of the Universe. New York: Macmillan, 1934.
Braham, E. C. "The Place of God in Whitehead’s Philosophy," London Quarterly Review, CLXIV (1939), 63-69.
Brown, Delwin. "God’s Reality and Life’s Meaning: A Critique of Schubert Ogden," Encounter, XXVIII (1967), 256-262.
____________ "Recent Process Theology," Journal of the American Academy of Religion, XXXV (1967), 28-41.
Browning, Don S. Atonement and Psychotherapy, Philadelphia: Westminster, 1966.
____________ "Whitehead’s Theory of Human Agency," Dialogue, II(1963-1964), 424-441.
Buehrer, Edwin T. "Mysticism and A. N. Whitehead," Mysticism and the Modern Mind, Alfred P. Stiernotte, ed. New York: Liberal Arts Press, 1959.
Burgers, J. M. Experience and Conceptual Activity. Cambridge: M. I. T. Press, 1965.
Burkle, H. R. The Non-Existence of God. New York: Herder and Herder, 1969. Burrell, David B. "The Possibility of a Natural Theology," Encounter, XXIX (1968), 158-164.
Campbell, Harry M. "Emerson and Whitehead," Proceedings of the Modern Language Association, LXXV (1960), 577-582.
Capps, W. H. "‘Being and Becoming’ and ‘God and the World’: An Analysis of Whitehead’s Account of their Early Association," Revue philosophique de Louvain, LXIII (1965), 572-590.
Cauthen, Kenneth. "Process and Purpose: Toward a Philosophy of Life," Zygon, III (1968), 183-204.
____________ Science, Secularization, and God. New York: Abingdon, 1969. Cesselin, Felix. La Philosophie organique de Whitehead. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1950.
Chappell, V. C. "Whitehead’s Metaphysics," The Review of Metaphysics, XIII (1959), 278-304.
Christian, William A. "The Concept of God as a Derivative Notion," Process and Divinity, William L. Reese and Eugene Freeman, eds. LaSalle, Ill.: Open Court, 1964.
____________ "God and the World," The Journal of Religion, XXVIII (1948), 255- 262.
____________ An Interpretation of Whitehead’s Metaphysics. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1959, 1967.
____________ and others. "A Discussion On the New Metaphysics and Theology," The Christian Scholar, L (1967), 304-331.
Clarke, Bowman L. Language and Natural Theology. The Hague: Mouton, 1966.
____________ "The Language of Revealed Theology," The Journal of Bible and Religion, XXXII (1964), 334-341.
________ "Whitehead’s Cosmology and the Christian Drama," The Journal of Religion, XXXIX (1959) 162-169.
Clarke, W. F. "The Idea of God in a Philosophy of Events," The Monist, XXXVIII (1928), 620-629.
Cobb, John B. Jr. "Can Natural Theology be Christian?" Theology Today, XXIII (1966), 140-142.
____________ A Christian Natural Theology. Philadelphia: Westminister, 1965.
____________ "Christian Natural Theology and Christian Existence," The Christian Century, LXXXII (1965), 265-267.
____________ "Christianity and Myth," The Journal of Bible and Religion, XXXIII (1965), 314-320.
____________ "The Finality of Christ in a Whiteheadian Perspective," The Finality of Christ, Dow Kirkpatrick, ed. Nashville: Abingdon, 1966.
____________ "Freedom in Whitehead’s Philosophy: A Response to Edward Pals,"
The Southern Journal of Philosophy, VII (1969-1970), 409-413.
____________ "From Crisis Theology to the Post-Modern World," The Centennial Review, VIII (1964), 174-188.
____________ God and the World. Philadelphia: Westminster, 1969.
____________ Living Options in Protestant Theology. Philadelphia: Westminster, 1962.
____________ "Nihilism, Existentialism, and Whitehead," Religion in Life, XXX (1961), 521-533.
____________ "Ontology, History, and Christian Faith," Religion in Life, XXXIV (1965), 270-287.
____________ "Perfection Exists: A Critique of Charles Hartshorne," Religion in Life, XXXII (1963), 294-304.
____________ "The Philosophical Grounds of Moral Responsibility: A Comment on Matson and Niebuhr," The Journal of Philosophy, LVI (1959), 619-621.
____________ "The Possibility of Theism Today," The Idea of God: Philosophical Perspectives, Edward Madden, Rollo Handy, and Marvin Farber, eds., Springfield, Ill.: Charles C. Thomas, 1968.
____________ "A Process Systematic Theology," The Journal of Religion, L (1970), 199-206.
____________ "Some Thoughts on the Meaning of Christ’s Death," Religion in Life, XXVIII (1959), 212-222.
____________ "Speaking About God," Religion in Life, XXXVI (1967), 28-39.
____________ The Structure of Christian Existence. Philadelphia: Westminster, 1967.
____________ "Theological Data and Method," The Journal of Religion XXXIII (1953), 212-223.
____________ "What is Alive and What is Dead in Empirical Theology," The Future of Empirical Theology, Bernard E. Meland, ed. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1969.
____________ "Whitehead’s Philosophy and a Christian Doctrine of Man," The Journal of Bible and Religion, XXXII (1964), 209-220.
Comstock, W. Richard. "Naturalism and Theology," Heythrop Journal, VIII (1967), 181-190.
Connelly, G. E. "Whitehead and the Actuality of God in His Primordial Nature," The Modern Schoolman, XLI (1964), 309-322.
Connelly, R. J. "The Ontological Argument: Descartes’ Advice to Hartshorne," The New Scholasticism, XLIII (1969), 530-554.
Cooper, Robert M. "God as Poet and Man as Praying: An Essay on the Thought of A. N. Whitehead," The Personalist, XLIV (1968), 474-488.
Cotton, J. Harry. "The Meaning of ‘God’ in Whitehead’s Philosophy," Encounter, XXIX (1968), 125-140.
Cousins, Ewert. "Truth in Saint Bonaventure," Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, XLIII (1969), 204-210.
Crosby, Donald A. "Language and Religious Language in Whitehead’s Philosophy," The Christian Scholar, L (1967), 210-221.
Curtis, J. C. "Ecumenism and Process Theology," The Hartford Quarterly, VII (1967), 34-42.
____________ "God and the World in Process," Dialog, V (1966), 112-117.
____________ Philosophy and Ecumenical Dialogue," The Ecumenist, IV (1966), 76-78.
____________ The Task of Philosophical Theology. New York: Philosophical Library, 1967.
de Laguna, Grace A. On Existence and the Human World. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1966.
Dresch, P. "The Transcendence of God in Whitehead’s Philosophy," Philosophical Studies, Xl (1961-1962), 7-27.
Ely, Stephen Lee. The Religious Availability of Whitehead’s God. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1942.
Emmet, Dorothy M. Whitehead’s Philosophy of Organism. London: Macmillan, 1932; New York: St. Martin’s, 1966.
Eslick, Leonard J. "God in the Metaphysics of Whitehead," New Themes in Christian Philosophy, Ralph M. Mclnerny, ed. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1968.
Farley, Edward. The Transcendence of God. Philadelphia: Westminster, 1960. Fenton, John Young. "The Post-Liberal Theology of Christ Without Myth," The Journal of Religion, XLIII (1963), 93-104.
Ferre, Nels F. S. "Beyond Substance and Process," Theology Today XXIV (1967), 160-171.
____________ Review of Charles Hartshorne, The Divine Relativity, in The Journal of Religion, XXIX (1949), 304-305.
Fitch, Frederick B. "The Perfection of Perfection," Process and Divinity, William L. Reese and Eugene Freeman, eds. LaSalle, Ill.: Open Court, 1964.
Flew, Antony. "Reflections on The Reality of God," The Journal of Religion, XLVIII (1968), 150-161.
Foley, L. A. A Critique of the Philosophy of Being of Alfred North Whitehead in the Light of Thomistic Philosophy. Washington: The Catholic University of America Press, 1946.
Ford, Lewis S. "Boethius and Whitehead on Time and Eternity," International Philosophical Quarterly, VIII (1968), 38-67.
____________ "Can Whitehead Provide for Real Subjective Agency? A Reply to Edward Pols," The Modern Schoolman, XLVII (1970), 209—225.
________ "Is Process Theism Compatible With Relativity Theory?" The Journal of Religion, XLVIII (1968), 124-135.
____________ "On Genetic Successiveness: A Third Alternative," The Southern Journal of Philosophy, VII (1969-1970), 421-425.
____________ "Whitehead’s Conception of Divine Spatiality," The Southern Journal of Philosophy, VI (1968), 1-23.
Forsyth, T. M. "Creative Evolution in its Bearing on the Idea of God," Philosophy, XXV (1950), 195-208.
Foster, A. Durwood, Jr. "The Resurrection of God," Religion in Life, XXXVIII (1969), 131-147.
Fries, Horace. "The Functions of Whitehead’s God," The Monist, XLVI (1936), 25-58.
Funk, Robert W. Language, Hermeneutic, and the Word of God. New York: Harper and Row, 1966.
Garland, Williams J. "The Ultimacy of Creativity," The Southern Journal of Philosophy, VII (1969-1970), 361-376.
Gentry, C. V. "The Subject in Whitehead’s Philosophy," Philosophy of Science, XI (1944), 222-226.
Gibson, A. Boyce. "The Two Strands in Natural Theology," The Monist, XLVII (1963), 335-364.
Gilkey, Langdon B. Maker of Heaven and Earth. New York: Doubleday, 1959, 1965.
____________ Review of John B. Cobb, Jr., A Christian Natural Theology, in Theology Today, XXII (1966), 530-545.
____________ "A Theology in Process," Interpretation, XXI (1967), 447-459.
Gray, Wallace. "Whitehead and Ferre Discuss God," Hibbert Journal, LVI (1957-1958), 262-272.
Gruenler, Royce Gordon. Jesus, Persons and the Kingdom of God. St. Louis: Bethany, 1967.
Gustafson, D. F. "Christian on Causal Objectification in Whitehead," International Philosophical Quarterly, 1(1961), 683-696.
Guthrie, Shirley C., Jr. "Theology and Metaphysics," America and the Future of Theology, William A. Beardslee, ed. Philadelphia: Westminster, 1967.
Guy, Fritz. "Comments on a Recent Whiteheadian Doctrine of God," Andrews University Seminary Studies, IV (1966), 107-134.
Hall, David. "The Autonomy of Religion in Whitehead’s Philosophy," Philosophy Today, XIII (1969), 271-283.
Hamilton, Peter. The Living God and the Modern World. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1967.
Hanna, Thomas. "The Living Body: Nexus of Process Philosophy and Existential Phenomenology," Soundings, LII (1969), 323-333.
Hare, P. H., and E. H. Madden Evil and the Concept of God. Springfield, Ill.: Charles C. Thomas, 1968.
____________ "The Theological Importance of A. N. Whitehead," Theology, LXVIII (1965), 187-195.
Hart, Ray L. "Schubert Ogden on the Reality of God," Religion in Life, XXXVI (1967), 506-515.
Hartshorne, Charles. Anselm’s Discovery. LaSalle, Ill.: Open Court, 1965.
____________ Beyond Humanism: Essays in the New Philosophy of Nature. Chicago: Willett, Clark, 1937, Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1968.
____________ "The Buddhist-Whiteheadian View of the Self and the Religious Traditions," Proceedings of the IXth International Congress for the History of Religions. Tokyo, 1960, 298-302.
____________ "Criteria for Ideas of God," Insight and Vision: Essays in Philosophy in Honor of Radoslav Andrea Tsanoff, Kanstantin Kolenda, ed. San Antonio: Principia Press of Trinity University, 1966.
________ "The Dipolar Conception of Deity," The Review of Metaphysics, XXI (1967), 273-289.
"Divine Absoluteness and Divine Relativity," Transcendence, Herbert W. Richardson and Donald R. Cutler, eds. Boston: Beacon Press, 1969.
____________ "The Divine Relativity and Absoluteness: A Reply," The Review of Metaphysics, IV (1950), 31-60.
____________ The Divine Relativity: A Social Conception of God. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1948, 1964.
____________ "Efficient Causality: A Comment," The Journal of Religion, XXVI (1946), 54-57.
____________ "Ethics and the New Theology," The International Journal of Ethics, XLV (1934), 90-101.
____________ "God and Man Not Rivals," The Journal of Liberal Religion, VI (1944), 9-13.
____________ "The God of Religion and the God of Philosophy," Talk of God: Royal Institute of Philosophy Lectures, II, 1967-1968. London: Macmillan, 1969.
____________ "God’s Existence: A Conceptual Problem," Religious Experience and Truth, Sidney Hook, ed. New York: New York University Press, 1961, 211-219.
____________ "The Immortality of the Past: Critique of a Prevalent Misinterpretation," The Review of Metaphysics, VII (1953), 98-112.
____________ "Is Whitehead’s God the God of Religion?" Ethics, LIII (1943), 219-227.
____________ The Logic of Perfection and Other Essays in Neoclassical Metaphysics. LaSalle, Ill.: Open Court, 1962.
____________ "Man’s Fragmentariness," Wesleyan Studies in Religion, LVI (1963- 1964), 17-28.
____________ Man’s Vision of God and the Logic of Theism. Chicago: Willett, Clark, 1941, Hamden, Conn.: Archon Books, 1964.
____________ "The Modern World and a Modern View of God," The Crane Review, IV (1962), 73-85.
____________ A Natural Theology for Our Time. LaSalle, Ill.: Open Court, 1967.
____________ "Necessity," The Review of Metaphysics, XXI (1967), 290-296.
____________ "The New Pantheism," The Christian Register, CXV (1936), 119-120, 141-143.
____________ "Panpsychism," A History of Philosophical Systems, V. Ferm, ed. New York: Philosophical Library, 1950.
____________ "A Philosopher’s Assessment of Christianity," Religion and Culture: Essays in Honor of Paul Tillich, Walter Leibrecht, ed. New York: Harper and Row, 1959.
____________ "The Philosophy of Creative Synthesis," The Journal of Philosophy, LV (1958), 944-953.
____________ "Process Philosophy as a Resource for Christian Thought," Philosophical Resources for Christian Thought, Perry LeFevre, ed. Nashville: Abingdon, 1968.
____________ Reality as Social Process: Studies in Metaphysics and Religion. Glencoe and Boston: Free Press and Beacon Press, 1953.
____________ "Redefining God," The New Humanist, VII (1934), 8-15.
____________ "Religion and Creative Experience," The Unitarian Register and the Universalist Leader, CXLI (1962), 9-11.
____________ "Tillich and the Nontheological Meanings of Theological Terms," Religion in Life, XXXV (1966), 674-685.
____________ "Tillich and the Other Great Tradition," Anglican Theological Review, XLIII (1961), 245-259.
____________ "Whitehead and Berdyaev: Is There Tragedy in God?" The Journal of Religion, XXX VI (1957), 71-84.
____________ "Whitehead’s Idea of God," The Philosophy of Alfred North Whitehead, PA. Schilpp, ed. New York: Tudor, 1941.
____________ "Whitehead’s Metaphysics," Whitehead and the Modern World by Victor Lowe, Charles Hartshorne, and A. H. Johnson. Boston: Beacon Press, 1950.
____________ "Whitehead’s Novel Intuition," Alfred North Whitehead: Essays on His Philosophy, George L. Kline, ed. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1963.
____________ and William L. Reese. Philosophers Speak of God. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1953.
Hartt, Julian. "The Logic of Perfection," The Review of Metaphysics, XVI (1963), 749-769.
Harvey, Van Austin. The Historian and the Believer. New York: Macmillan, 1966.
Hatchett, Marion J. "Charles Hartshorne’s Critique of Christian Theology," Anglican Theological Review, XLVIII (1966), 264-275.
Hazelton, Roger. "Time, Eternity and History," The Journal of Religion, XXX (1950), 1-12.
Henry, Carl F. H. "The Reality and Identity of God: A Critique of Process Theology," Christianity Today, XIII (1969), 523-526, 580-584.
Henry, Granville C. "Mathematics, Phenomenology, and Language Analysis in Contemporary Theology," Journal of the American Academy of Religion, XXXV (1967), 337-349.
Herzog, Frederick. Understanding God. New York: Charles Scribners Sons, 1966.
Hocking, Richard. "The Polarity of Dialectical History and Process Cosmology," The Christian Scholar, L (1967), 177-183.
Hocking, William E. Science and the Idea of God. Chapel Hill, NC.: The University of North Carolina Press, 1944.
Hooper, Sydney E. "Whitehead’s Philosophy: Eternal Objects and God," Philosophy, XVII (1942), 47-68.
Hopper, Stanley R. "Whitehead: Redevivus? or Absconditus?" in America and the Future of Theology, William A. Beardslee, ed. Philadelphia: Westminster, 1967.
Huckle, John J. "From Whitehead to Ogden: Possibility in Contemporary Theology," Dunwoodie Review, VII (1967), 177-198.
Hutchison, John A. "The Philosophy of Religion: Retrospect and Prospect," The Journal of Bible and Religion, XXX (1962), 12-17.
James, Ralph E., Jr. The Concrete God. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1967.
____________ Theology in a Cool World," Theology Today, XXIV (1968), 432-443.
____________ Theology of Acceptance," The Journal of Religion, XLIX (1969), 3 76-387.
Johnson, A. H. Whitehead’s Philosophy of Civilization. Boston: Beacon Press, 1958, New York: Dover, 1962.
____________ Whitehead’s Theory of Reality. Boston: Beacon Press, 1952, New York: Dover, 1962.
Johnson, Joseph A., Jr. "A Comparative Study of the Idea of God in the Philosophy of Alfred North Whitehead and Henry Nelson Wieman," The Center, II(1961), 16-37.
Jordan, Martin. New Shapes of Reality: Aspects of A. N. Whitehead’s Philosophy. London: Allen and Unwin, 1968.
Kaufman, Maynard. "Post-Christian Aspects of the Radical Theology," Toward a New Christianity: Readings in the Death of God Theology, Thomas J. J. Altizer, ed. New York: Harcourt, Brace and World, 1967.
Kuntz, Paul C. "Religion of Order or Religion of Chaos?" Religion in Life, XXXV (1966), 433-449.
____________ "What Do You Mean By ‘God,’" The Personalist, L (1969), 393-397.
Kuspit, Donald. "Whitehead’s God and Metaphysics," Essays in Philosophy, (no ed. named). University Park, Pa.: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1962.
Lafleur, Lawrence J. "If God Were Eternal," The Journal of Religion, XX (1940), 382-389.
Lamont, Corliss. "Equivocation on Religious Issues," The Journal of Religion, XIV (1934), 412-427.
Lawrence, Nathaniel. "The Vision of Beauty and the Temporality of Deity in Whitehead’s Philosophy," The Journal of Philosophy, LVIII (1961), 543-553.
Leclerc, Ivor, ed. The Relevance of Whitehead. New York: Macmillan, 1961. ____________ Whitehead’s Metaphysics: An Introductory Exposition. New York: Macmillan, 1958.
____________ "Whitehead and the Problem of God," The Southern Journal of Philosophy, VII (1969-1970), 447-455.
Levi, Albert William. Philosophy and the Modern World. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1959.
Lintz, Edward J. The Unity of the Universe According to Alfred North Whitehead. Baltimore: J. H. Furst, 1939.
Loomer, Bernard M. "Empirical Theology Within Process Thought," The Future of Empirical Theology, Bernard E. Meland, ed. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1969.
____________ "Neo-Naturalism and Neo-Orthodoxy," The Journal of Religion, XXVIII (1948), 79-91.
Lowe, Victor. Review of Stephen Lee Ely, The Religious Availability of Whitehead’s God, in The Review of Religion, VII (1943), 409-415.
____________ Understanding Whitehead. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1962.
Lyman, Eugene W. The Meaning and Truth of Religion. New York: Charles Scribners Sons, 1933.
MacCormac, Earl R. "Indeterminacy and Theology," Religion in Life, XXXVI (1967), 355-370.
Macintosh, D. C. Review of Charles Hartshorne, Man’s Vision of God, in The Review of Religion, VI (1942), 443-448.
Macquarrie, John. Studies in Christian Existentialism. Philadelphia: Westminster, 1965.
Madden, Edward H., and Peter H. Hare. "Evil and Unlimited Power," The Review of Metaphysics, XX (1966), 278-289.
Martin, Oliver. "Whitehead’s Naturalism and God," The Review of Religion, III (1931), 149-160.
Martland, T. R. "Is A Theology of Dialogue (of Process) Permissible?" The Christian Scholar, L (1967), 197-209.
Mascall, E. L. He Who Is. London: Longmans, Green, 1943.
____________ "Three Modern Approaches to God," Theology, XXX (1935), 18-35. Mays, W. The Philosophy of Whitehead. New York: Macmillan, 1959.
Meland, Bernard E. "Can Empirical Theology Learn Something from Phenomenology?" The Future of Empirical Theology, Bernard E. Meland, ed. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1969.
____________ "The Empirical Tradition in Theology at Chicago," The Future of Empirical Theology, Bernard E. Meland, ed. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1969.
____________ Faith and Culture. New York: Oxford University Press, 1953.
____________ "For the Modern Liberal: Is Theology Possible? Can Science Replace It?" Zygon, II(1967), 166-186.
____________ "The Genius of Protestantism," The Journal of Religion, XXVII (1947), 273-292.
____________ "How Is Culture a Source for Theology," Criterion, III (1964), 10-21.
____________ "Interpreting the Christian Faith Within a Philosophical Framework," The Journal of Religion, XXXIII (1953), 87-102.
____________ "Modern Protestantism: Aimless or Resurgent?" The Christian Century, LXXX (1963), 1494-1497.
____________ "The Mystic Returns," The Journal of Religion, XVII (1937), 146-160.
____________ "New Dimensions of Liberal Faith," The Christian Century, LXXIV (1957), 961-963.
____________ "New Perspectives on Nature and Grace," The Scope of Grace, Philip J. Hefner, ed. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1964.
____________ "The Perception of Goodness," The Journal of Religion, XXXII (1952), 47-55.
____________ "The Persisting Liberal Witness," The Christian Century, LXXIX
____________ The Realities of Faith. New York: Oxford University Press, (1962), 1157-1159.
____________ The Reawakening of Christian Faith. New York: Macmillan, 1949.
____________ "The Religious Availability of a Philosopher’s God," Christendom, VIII (1943), 495-502.
____________ The Secularization of Modern Cultures. New York: Oxford University Press, 1966.
____________ Seeds of Redemption. New York: Macmillan, 1947.
____________ "The Structure of Christian Faith," Religion in Life, XXXVI (1968), 551-562.
Michalson, Carl. The Hinge of History. New York: Charles Scribners Sons, 1959.
Miller, Randolph Crump. "Theology In Transition," The Journal of Religion, XX (1940), 160-168.
Milligan, Charles S. "Religious Values of Whitehead’s God Concept," The Iliff Review, IX (1952), 117-128.
Morgan, C. "Whitehead’s Theory of Value," International Journal of Ethics, XLVII (1937), 308-316.
Morrison, C. C. "Thomism and the Re-birth of Protestant Philosophy," Christendom, II(1937), 110-125.
Moxley, D. J. "The Conception of God in the Philosophy of Whitehead," Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, XXXIV (1933-1934), 157-186.
Murphy, Arthur E. "The Anti-Copernician Revolution," The Journal of Philosophy, XXVI (1929), 281-299.
Neville, Robert C. "Neo-Classical Theology and Christianity: A Critical Study of Ogden’s ‘Reality of God,’" International Philosophical Quarterly, IX (1969), 605-624.
____________ "Whitehead on the One and the Many," The Southern Journal of Philosophy, VII (1969-1970), 387-393.
Niebuhr, H. Richard. The Meaning of Revelation. New York: Macmillan, 1941, 1962.
Niebuhr, Reinhold. Review of Charles Hartshorne, Man’s Vision of God, in Christianity and Society, VII (1942), 43-44.
____________ "Science and the Modern World," The Christian Century, XLIII (1926), 448-449.
Norman, Ralph. "Steam, Barbarism, and Dialectic: Notations on Proof and Sensibility," The Christian Scholar, L (1967), 184-196.
O’Brien, John A. "God in Whitehead’s Philosophy," The American Ecclesiastical Review, CX (1944), 444-450, CXI (1944), 124-130.
Oden, Thomas C. "Bultmann As Lutheran Existentialist," Dialogue, III (1964), 207-214.
Ogden, Schubert M. "Beyond Supernaturalism," Religion in Life, XXXIII (1963-1964), 7-18.
____________ "Bultmann’s Demythologizing and Hartshorne’s Dipolar Theism," Process and Divinity, William L. Reese and Eugene Freeman, ads. La-Salle, Ill.: Open Court, 1964.
____________ "Bultmann’s Project of Demythologization and the Problem of Theology and Philosophy," The Journal of Religion, XXXVII (1957), 156-173.
____________ Christ Without Myth. New York: Harper and Row, 1961.
____________ "The Christian Proclamation of God to Men of the So-Called ‘Atheistic Age,’" Is God Dead? Concilium Volume 16, Johannes B. Metz, ed. New York: Paulist, 1966.
____________ "Faith and Truth," The Christian Century, LXXXII (1965), 1057-1060.
____________ "God and Philosophy: A Discussion with Antony Flew," The Journal of Religion, XLVIII (1968), 161-181.
____________ "How Does God Function in Human Life," Christianity and Crisis, XXVII (1967), 105-108.
____________ "Love Unbounded: The Doctrine of God," The Perkins School of Theology Journal, XIX (1966), 5-17.
____________ "The Possibility and Task of Philosophical Theology," Union Seminary Quarterly Review, XX (1965), 271-279.
____________ "Present Prospects for Empirical Theology," The Future of Empirical Theology, Bernard E. Meland, ad. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1969.
____________ The Reality of God. New York: Harper and Row, 1966.
____________ "The Significance of Rudolf Bultmann for Contemporary Theology," The Theology of Rudolf Bultmann, Charles W. Kegley, ad. New York: Harper and Row, 1966.
____________ "Theology and Metaphysics," Criterion, IX (1969), 15-18.
____________ "Theology and Philosophy: A New Phase of the Discussion," The Journal of Religion, XLIV (1964), 1-16.
Otto, M. C. "A. N. Whitehead and Science," The New Humanist, VII (1934), 1-7.
Overman, Richard H. Evolution and the Christian Doctrine of Creation. Philadelphia: Westminster, 1967.
Pailan, David A. "Some Comments on Hartshorne’s Presentation of the Ontological Argument," Religious Studies, IV (1968), 103-122. Parker, Francis H. ‘Head, Heart, and God,’ The Review of Metaphysics, XIV (1960), 328-352.
Parmentier, Alix. La philosophie de Whitehead et le probleme de Dieu. Paris: Beauchesne, 1968.
Parsons, Howard L. "History as Viewed by Marx and Whitehead," The Christian Scholar, L (1967), 273-289.
____________ "Religious Naturalism and the Philosophy of Charles Hartshorne," Process and Divinity, William L. Reese and Eugene Freeman, eds. La-Salle, Ill.: Open Court, 1964.
Peters, Eugene H. The Creative Advance. St. Louis: Bethany Press, 1966.
Pittenger, W. Norman. "Bernard E. Meland, Process Thought, and the Significance of Christ," Religion in Life, XXXVII (1968), 540-550.
____________ Christology Reconsidered. London: SCM Press, 1970.
____________ "A Contemporary Trend in North American Theology: Process-Thought and Christian Faith," Religion in Life, XXXIV (1965), 500-510.
____________ "A Fresh Look at Christian Moral Theology," Religion in Life, XXXVIII (1969), 548-554.
____________ God in Process. London: SCM Press, 1967.
____________ Process Thought and Christian Faith. New York: Macmillan, 1968,
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