Thomas H. Troeger and D.W. Wilbanks

Thomas H. Troeger is professor of Preaching and Communication at Iliff School of Theology, Denver. An ordained Presbyterian minister, he is author of twelve books including The Parable of Ten Preachers and Borrowed Light: hymn texts, prayers and poems. Past president of the Academy of Homiletics, Professor Troeger is also a member of the North American Academy of Liturgy and Societas Homiletica.

Dana W. Wilbanks is professor of Christian ethics at Iliff. He is coordinator of Iliff’s Justice and Peace Studies Program and is an ordained Presbyterian minister. He is co-author with H. Edward Everding of Decision Making and the Bible, with Ronald H. Stone of Presbyterians and Peacemaking, and is author of Re-Creating America: The Ethics of U.S. Immigration and Refugee Policy in a Christian Perspective.
