Chapter 1: A Few Figures From the U.N., by François Houtart  in  The Other Davos: Globalization of Resistances and Struggles

Book Chapter by Francois Houtart and Francois Polet

The main function of economy is to contribute to the blossoming of all the people by ensuring material well-being and dignity. It is the reason why we consider it necessary to question the contemporary capitalist system. Never has humanity disposed of so many resources and technical means for resolving the problems of survival and well being.

Chapter 1: A Strategy for the New Times, by Christophe Aguiton  in  The Other Davos: Globalization of Resistances and Struggles

Book Chapter by Francois Houtart and Francois Polet

Over nearly 20 years, neo-liberalism has continued to score points, but now the wind is changing, and it is our responsibility to make this change as visible as possible and to make it the focal point of a counter-offensive. The counter-offensive must be developed on practical and concrete issues, and also on the larger field of social alternatives to the disaster of neo-conservative counter-reforms.

Chapter 1: Globalization Threatens Humanism, by V. R. Krishna Iyer  in  Globalization and Its Impact on Human Rights

Book Chapter by George Mathews Chunakara (ed.)

Humankind is in the ghastly grip of soulless forces, moneyocracies incorporated, and cannibalistic philosophies which validate satanic values and apotheosize social anathemas like violence, vulgarity and intoxicated hedonism. A new debate must begin on human rights-oriented economic policies where every person and his dignity matters.

Chapter 1: Phenomenon of Globalization: A Holistic Approach  in  Globalization and Human Solidarity

Book Chapter by Tissa Balasuriya

The overall impact of globalization is to incorporate all the peoples of the world into one single world unit for production, consumption, trade and investment, information flow and culture. The processes of globalization is technological, economic, political, socio-cultural and religious — all linked together. It is the visible force and migration laws of the superpowers that keep the land-hungry people away from the empty spaces of the world which were occupied in the days of colonial expansion.

Chapter 3: The World Strategy of Capitalism, by Samir Amin  in  The Other Davos: Globalization of Resistances and Struggles

Book Chapter by Francois Houtart and Francois Polet

Profit for capital is guaranteed at the price of stagnation and growing inequality among the small minorities. This is a system that fatally engenders poverty, unemployment, and exclusion, often on a continental scale. Faced with these plans to pursue liberal globalisation, which does not concern the people at all, we must independently develop our own proposals for alternatives, based on social struggle which only the victims of the system can lead.

Chapter 3: Politics, Culture and Environment Under Globalization  in  Globalization and Human Solidarity

Book Chapter by Tissa Balasuriya

The "free market" does not bring about a just economic equilibrium in a world of grave social, political and economic inequalities. Capitalistic selfishness of individuals and companies, raised to the level of a supreme principle of public policy, does not promote true liberation of humans from selfishness, hatred and delusion, but rather worsens the human condition almost everywhere.

Chapter 4: Constructing Another Globalisation (Part I), by Christophe Aguiton, Riccardo Petrella and Charles-Andé Udry  in  The Other Davos: Globalization of Resistances and Struggles

Book Chapter by Francois Houtart and Francois Polet

The International Economic Forum met every year for almost twenty years at Davos, Switzerland, to re-orient the world economy according to the interests of capital. They have expropriated life, and the right of the poor to basic living. Their priorities do not take account of the living conditions, needs, aspirations and capabilities of some 5 billion human beings, but are exclusively concerned with the interests of the social groups which own the property and control decision-making regarding the allocation of the planet’s resources.

Chapter 4: Deeper Approaches and Alternative Long-Term Goals  in  Globalization and Human Solidarity

Book Chapter by Tissa Balasuriya

The poor countries are poor not so much because they lack natural resources, but because their resources are being taken by others, often at very low prices. Since we are bombarded daily by the mass media with news and views on the economy and economic policies, it is necessary to be trained to demythologize the orthodoxies claimed by economists, academics, policy makers and media programmes,

Chapter 4: The Emerging Global Scenario and the East Asian Perspective on Human Rights, by Michael C. Davis  in  Globalization and Its Impact on Human Rights

Book Chapter by George Mathews Chunakara (ed.)

A consideration of various claims about ‘Asian values’ made in relation to the East Asian human rights debate. 1. A challenge to the claims for exception from important international human rights standards made in the name of “Asian values.” 2. The offering of a special version of liberal constitutionalism as a proper domestic venue for contemporary human rights and values discourse in East Asia.

Chapter 5: Constructing Another Globalisation (Part II), by Riccardo Petrella, Christophe Aguiton, Charles-André Udry  in  The Other Davos: Globalization of Resistances and Struggles

Book Chapter by Francois Houtart and Francois Polet

Through the struggles they are engaged in, the expropriated people of the world are creating a definition of a new anthropology for global life in the 21st century. . It is imperative that we define a new generation of public patrimonial rights covering goods and services considered indispensable for survival and the fair and efficient functioning of society and the earth’s ecosystem.

Chapter 5. The Broken Springs of Growth, by François Chesnais and Dominique Plihon  in  The Other Davos: Globalization of Resistances and Struggles

Book Chapter by Francois Houtart and Francois Polet

The financial markets have their own time-frame which is not that of the value-creation process and less still creation itself, with the slow-downs, or, worse, the interruptions in the returns process. It seems that the operators have no memory of past crises and do not even know, even through vague bookish memories, what happened in 1929 and in the 1930s and thus find themselves totally defenceless.

Chapter 6: Taking Back the Future of Our World, by ATTAC  in  The Other Davos: Globalization of Resistances and Struggles

Book Chapter by Francois Houtart and Francois Polet

In the name of a transformation of the world depicted as a natural law, citizens and their representatives find their decision-making power contested. Such a humiliating proof of impotence encourages the growth of anti-democratic parties. It is urgent to block this process by creating new instruments of regulation and control, at the national, continental, and international levels.

Chapter 7: Human Rights Within World Apartheid  in  Globalization and Human Solidarity

Book Chapter by Tissa Balasuriya

The author reflects on the 1948 UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights in relation to globalization:  It is the visible force and migration laws of the superpowers that keep the land-hungry persons from the empty space of the world occupied in the days of colonial expansion.  The present growth of capitalist globalization is the continuation of the economic and sociocultural order built up by the earlier Western military and colonial domination.

Chapter 9: Human Solidarity in the Context of Globalization  in  Globalization and Human Solidarity

Book Chapter by Tissa Balasuriya

The old paradigm of the world system built on nation-states to suit white peoples is inadequate to meet the challenges of today and tomorrow. Humanity must find peaceful and just means of adopting a new paradigm in which human beings are more important than the national frontiers. All these are far less costly, and far more profitable than space travel.

Conclusion: It is Time to Reclaim the March of History  in  The Other Davos: Globalization of Resistances and Struggles

Book Chapter by Francois Houtart and Francois Polet

Strengthening and democratizing regional and international institutions is a realistic imperative. It is a condition for progress in international law and the indispensable regulation of economic, social and political relations at the global level, particularly in the fields of financial capital, taxation, migration, information and disarmament.

Forward  in  Globalization and Human Solidarity

Book Chapter by Tissa Balasuriya

The present stage of globalization is a remnant of colonialism. It is more hegemonic and comprehensive in its approach and has succeeded in capturing not only resources and labor but also the public consciousness. With effective control over discourse, colonialism, known as globalization, assumes itself to be normative and desirable, and presents itself as the empirical embodiment of utopia.

Forward  in  The Other Davos: Globalization of Resistances and Struggles

Book Chapter by Francois Houtart and Francois Polet

    This book is a Joint Intiative of the following organizations:   ATTAC      (Association for taxation of financial transactions                    for the benefit of citizens, originated in France) CCAMI      (Co-ordination against the clones of the                    Multilateral Agreement on Investment,                    originated in France) WFA          (World Forum for Alternatives, originated in                    Cairo) SAFRIN     …

Globalization and Human Solidarity

Book by Tissa Balasuriya

(ENTIRE BOOK) Globalization has created a crisis. The root of the problem is "world apartheid" promulgated by the Western superpowers (white European). Meanwhile, globalization has become a religion of "money-theism." To counter this, this the author calls for all the world religions to work together to realize a spirituality based on the core values of love and sharing.

Globalization With A Human Face

Article by John B. Cobb, Jr.

We now have a name for the dominant reality of the post-cold-war epoch: globalization. Thomas Friedman rightly describes globalization as an all-embracing phenomenon shaped by global capitalism. He approaches the topic in a remarkably comprehensive fashion, offering an overview of six no longer separable dimensions: politics, culture, technology, finance, national security and ecology Friedman, a …

Introduction  in  Globalization and Human Solidarity

Book Chapter by Tissa Balasuriya

Communications and travel make people aware of the harm done to workers, women and children and to the environment — in rich countries as well as poor. This is a new phase in the consciousness raising of people throughout the world. Religions, led by persons of good-will and generosity as they endeavour to work together, can give meaning to the search for solidarity and the safeguarding of the environment.

The Other Davos: Globalization of Resistances and Struggles

Book by Francois Houtart and Francois Polet

(ENTIRE BOOK) "Davos" is the town in Switzerland where the International Economic Forum met annually for almost twenty years to rethink and re-orient the world economy according to the interests of capital. This book is a radical rejoinder to that effort. The authors believe that it is imperative to discover viable alternatives to the unilateral globalization which pretends to link and unite, but actually separates and imprisons. They urge us to construct a new form of globalization, joining forces to build alternatives based on human diversity and creativity.

The Quest for Justice and Peace in the Age of Globalisation

Article by Kamran Mofid

This is an extended and revised version of a key presentation delivered at the 4th Parliament of the World’s Religions, 7-13 July 2004, Barcelona ( Programme: An Inter-faith Perspective on Globalisation for the Common Good, Sunday, July 11, 2004). An earlier version of this paper was presented as a keynote speech at” Iran and Globalisation …

The Symbiosis Between Poverty and Globalization: A Need for a Critique from Political Ethics

Article by I. John Mohan Razu

  INTRODUCTION The historic Millennial Summit of the United Nations held during the first week of September with the hundred and fifty-odd world leaders assembled at New York adopted a wide-ranging declaration on some of the most impending problems that the global community face today. The central challenge, the Summit deliberated, was in ensuring that …