A Fair Tax

Article by Susan Pace Hamill

Americans are, or at least claim to be, a Christian people. Almost 80 percent of us, including President Bush, practice Christianity in some form. Bush has openly stated that Jesus is his favorite philosopher and that "we ought to love our neighbor like we love our self, as manifested in public policy." Yet the president …

At Home and Not at Home: Religious Pluralism and Religious Truth

Article by Robert N. Bellah

Religious pluralism and religious truth are topics that preoccupied H. Richard Niebuhr at in his work but nowhere more than in The meaning of Revelation. In the preface to that work Niebuhr recognizes both Ernst Troeltsch and Karl Barth as his teachers and notes that they are frequently thought to be “in diametrical opposition to …

Best of Intentions

Article by Harvey Cox

In many important respects the ethics of Judaism and Christianity are similar. Both emphasize the oneness of the human family and the responsibility we have for each other. Jesus continued and at times intensified the Old Testament prophets’ defense of the poor and the powerless. But there is one matter on which the two traditions …

Chapter 2: The Covenant, the Law, and the Prophets  in  Christian Ethics

Book Chapter by Georgia Harkness

In tracing the source of Christian ethics to its Old Testament roots, the author explores the covenant and its developing radical monotheism, the law as it evolved from cultic ritual observances to a more humanitarian community of law, the prophets and their refining of Yahweh’s judgment and mercy, finally to Jesus’ unique understanding of God – centered moral living that moved beyond his Old Testament heritage to an exemplification of hope for the righteous rule of God in a redeemed community for this world and the next.

Chapter 3: The Ethics of Jesus  in  Christian Ethics

Book Chapter by Georgia Harkness

The primary and final authority for Christian ethics is found in the life, teachings, ministry and death of Jesus Christ as the revelation of God. He clarified the ethical demands of a God-centered life by applying obedient love or agape to all human situations, both personal and social, and insisted this included the earthly as well as the eternal, and required our best actions amid the relativities of the present world.

Chapter 5: God, Sin, and Christian Character  in  Christian Ethics

Book Chapter by Georgia Harkness

Christian ethics begin with the assumption that Christian character is founded, not on naturalism or humanism, but on Jesus as the supreme revealer of God, that Christian virtues are not the exclusive possession of Christians, that sin is not a state of being but rebellious self-love and self-exaltation that leads to failure to be adequately responsive to the love commandment of Jesus, that humans are created free to make moral choices, and Christians are called to make these choices in light of the love commandment.

Chapter 6: Duties to Self and Society  in  Christian Ethics

Book Chapter by Georgia Harkness

Jesus’ love commandment assumes we will love ourselves and calls us to expand beyond self-realization to devotion to God, and concern for others. Brotherly love should not be restricted to interpersonal relations, however primary they may be, but extend to wider service, including social service and social action to those persons and institutions not known to us directly, where social sin calls for our best response in the light of the gospel.

Christian Ethics

Book by Georgia Harkness

(ENTIRE BOOK) Dr. Harkness has applied Christian ethical principles to the major issues of contemporary life. From the starting point of the revelation of the nature and will of God that has come to man through Christ, she has dealt first with the biblical foundations of Christian ethics followed by their application to specific contemporary problems, including self and society, marriage, economic life, race, the state, war, peace and others.

Ethics for This World

Article by Robin Lovin

Book Review: Ethics: Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works, Volume 6. English edition edited by Clifford Green. Fortress, 593 pp. When Dietrich Bonhoeffer died on April 9, 1945, few would have predicted his influence on theology at the beginning of the 21st century. As word of his execution reached his friends and colleagues during the chaotic days at …

Foreword  in  Christian Ethics

Book Chapter by Georgia Harkness

Proceeding from the purpose of presenting an understanding of Christian ethics that is biblically and theologically informed, as well as practically relevant and intelligible to theological students, laity and clergy, Dr. Harkness describes the direction she will take in developing her thesis that there is no fixed or inflexible code of Christian morality.

Living Faithfully in a Democratic Society

Article by Robin Lovin

Book Review: Democracy and Tradition. By Jeffrey Stout. Princeton University Press, 348 pp. Reading this book is like joining an ongoing conversation, since Jeffrey Stout has been discussing religion and democracy with Stanley Hauerwas, Alasdair MacIntyre and Richard Rorty since the mid-1970s. Often when we interrupt an animated conversation, it’s best to politely excuse ourselves …

Loving a Prostitute

Article by Judith Hahn

Our culture often portrays the prostitute as someone beautiful, sexy, seductive and in control. An aura of mystery surrounds her, and many may want to imitate what they perceive as her glamorous lifestyle. She seems to make a lot of tax-free money and to be totally independent. A mother once told me that her young …

Niebuhr Versus Niebuhr: The Tragic Nature of History

Article by John D. Barbour

An intriguing debate took place on the pages of The Christian Century in 1932 between brothers H. Richard Niebuhr and Reinhold Niebuhr. The immediate occasion for the publication of their articles was Japan’s invasion of Manchuria, and the concrete issue that the brothers addressed was the proper response of the United States to that invasion. …

The Christian Churches’ Response to the Principalities and Powers

Article by Yong-Bok Kim

The Christian church has not dealt seriously according to Biblical standard, with the violence and destruction brought by the principalities and powers. By and large, the churches have lived by adapting themselves to the reality of the power rather than transforming it. The churches has sought to live in a friendly political atmosphere rather than …

The Ethicist as Theologian

Article by Stanley Hauerwas

Dillery-Dollarly Stanley M. Hauerwas Ethicist Scholarly Ph.D. Yale, Spent his life outlining Ethical disciplines — Inconsequentially Ended in Hell. Anne Harley Hauerwas My wife composed this double dactyl at about the time I finished my doctorate and became a "certified" theological ethicist. A framed copy of the verse hangs on my office wall as a …

The Eugenics Temptation

Article by Amy Laura Hall

Book Review: Preaching Eugenics: Religious Leaders and the American Eugenics Movement. By Christine Rosen. Oxford University Press, 286 pp. War Against the Weak: Eugenics and America’s Campaign to Create a Master Race. By Edwin Black. Four Walls Eight Windows, 550 pp. In the early 1920s progressive high schools and YMCAs took part in the Keeping …

The Organ Business: Second Thoughts on Transplants

Article by Jennifer Girod

Book Review: Raising the Dead: Organ Transplants, Ethics, and Society, by Ronald Munson (Oxford University Press). Are we morally obligated to extend every life that we have the technological or medical ability to extend? The claim that we are underlies Ronald Munson’s book. He provides a fairly comprehensive survey of the ethical issues involved in …