Selected Bibliography

Edinburgh to Salvador: Twentieth Century Ecumenical Missiology
by T.V. Philip

Selected Bibliography

Select Bibliography

Anderson, Wilhelm, Towards a Theology of Missions, London, SCM Press, 1955.

Ariarajah, Wesley. S, Gospel and Culture: An On going Discussion Within the Ecumenical Movement, Geneva, WCC, 1994.

Baker, Archibald. C., Christian Missions and a New World Culture, New York, Willett, Clark and Company, 1934.

Bangkok Assembly 1963: Minutes and Report of the Assembly of the Commission on World Mission and Evangelism of the World Council of Churches.

Bassham, R.C., Mission Theology 1948-75, Pasadina, 1979.

Beaver, Pierce, The Ecumenical Beginnings in Protestant World Missions, New York, Thomas Nelson and Sons, 1962.

Boyd, Robin., An Introduction to Indian Christian Theology, Madras: CLS, 1969.

Bridston, Keith. R., Mission, Myth and Reality, New York: Friendship Press, 1965.

Douglas, J.D (ed)., Let the Earth Hear His Voice: International Congress on World Evangelism, Lausanne, Minneapolis, World Wide Publications, 1975.

Duraisingh, Christopher (ed)., Called to One Hope: The Gospel in Diverse Cultures, Geneva, WCC, 1998.

Farquhar, J.N., The Crown of Hinduism, Oxford, 1913. Fey, Harold. E., The Ecumenical Advance: A History of the Ecumenical Movement 1948-1968, Geneva: WCC, 1970.

Gill, David (ed), Gathered For Life: Official Report of the Sixth Assembly of the World Council of Churches, Vancouver, 1983, Geneva, WCC, 1983.

Goodall, Norman (ed)., The Uppsala Report 1968: Official Report of the Fourth Assembly of the World Council of Churches, Uppsala, 1968, Geneva: WCC, 1968.

___________________Mission Under the Cross, London, Edinburgh House Press, 1948.

Hoekendijk, J.C., The Church Inside Out, London, 1967.

Hogg, Richey, Ecumenical Foundations, New York, Harper and Brothers, 1952.

Kinnamon, Michael and Brian E. Cope (eds), The Ecumenical Movement: An Anthology of Key Texts and Voices, Geneva, WCC, 1997.

Kramer, Hendrik, The Christian Message in a Non-Christian World, New York, Harper and Brothers, 1938.

___________________World Cultures and World Religions, London, Lutterworth Press, 1960.

Mathew, Basil, Road to the City of God, New York, Doubleday, Doran and Company Inc., 1929.

Metcalf, Thomas. A.. Aftermath of Revolt, New Jersey, Princeton University Press, 1964.

Niebuhr, Christ and Cultures, New York, Harper and Row Publishers, 1951.

Neill, Stephen, Creative Tension, London, Edinburgh House Press, 1955.

Newbigin, Leslie, Trinitarian Faith and Today’s Mission, Richmond, John Knox Press 1963.

Oldham, J.H., The Oxford Conference, Chicago, Willett, Clarke and Company, 1937.

Orchard, Ronald K. (ed), Witness in Six Continents: Records of the Meeting of the Commission on World Mission and Evangelism of the World Council of Churches, Mexico City, 1963, London, Edinburgh House, 1964.

____________________The Ghana Assembly of the International Missionary Council, New York, Friendship Press, 1958.

Paton, David. M. (ed), Breaking Barriers, Naiorobi, 1975, London, SPCK, 1976.

Padilla, C. Rene (ed), The New Face of Evangelicalism, London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1976.

Payne, Ernest. A., and David Moses, Why Integration ? London, William Carding and Co. 1957.

Philip, T.V., Ecumenism in Asia, Delhi, ISPCK, 1994. Peoples of Asia, People of God, A Report of the Asian Mission Conference, 1989, The Christian Conference of Asia, 1990.

Ranson, Charles (ed), Renewal and Advance, London, Edinburgh House Press, 1948.

Rethinking Missions: A Lay Man’s Inquiry After One Hundred Years, New York, Harper and Brothers, 1938.

Rouse, Ruth and Stephen Neill (eds), A History of the Ecumenical Movement 1917-1948, Philadelphia, Westminster, 1967.

Sherer, James. A., Gospel, Church and Kingdom, Minneapolis, Augsburg Publishing House, 1989.

Sherer, James. A., and Stephen B. Bevans (eds), New Directions in Mission and Evangelism, Basic Statements 1974-1991, New York, Orbis Books, 1992.

Samartha,. S.J, Between Two Cultures: Ecumenical Ministry in a Pluralistic World, Geneva, WCC, 1998.

Samartha, S.J., (ed), Living Faiths and the Ecumenical Movement, Geneva, WCC, 1971.

_____________________Faith in the Midst of Faiths: Reflections in Dialogue in Community, Geneva , WCC, 1977.

Thomas, M.M., Salvation and Humanization, Madras, CLS, l97l Samartha, .

_____________________The Christian Response to Asian Revolution, Lucknow, Lucknow Publishing House, 1967.

_____________________The Acknowledged Christ of the Indian Renaissance, Madras, CLS, 1970.

Thomas, Norman E., (ed), Classic Texts in Mission and World Christianity, New York, Orbis Books, Mary Knoll, 1995.

Visse’t Hooft (ed), The First Assembly of the World Council of Churches, New York, Harper & Brothers, 1949.

The Evanston Report: The Second Assembly of the World Council of Churches, New York, Harper & Brothers, 1955.

The New Delhi Report: The Third Assembly of the World Council of Churches, 1961,New York, Association Press, 1962.

William Cohn. W., For The World, New York, The National Council of Churches. 1965.

Yates, Timothy, Christian. Mission in the Twentieth Century, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1994.

The International Missionary Council Meeting at Tambaram, Madras, 1938, New York, Oxford University Press, 1932.

The Jerusalem Meeting of the International Missionary Council, 8 vols.

The Missionary Obligation of the Church, Willingen, 1952, London, International Missionary Council, 1953.

The World Mission of the Church: Findings and Recommendations of the International Missionary Council, Tambaram, 1938, London, International Missionary Council, 1939.

World Conference on Church and Society 1966 (official report), Geneva, WCC, 1967.

World Missionary Conference, Edinburgh 1910, New York. Revell & Coin, 1910.

Your Kingdom Conies Mission Perspective, Report of the World Conference on Mission and Evangelism, Melbourne 1980, Geneva, WCC, 1980.