William Hamilton is Associate Professor of Theology at Colgate Rochester Divinity School, and a Baptist minister. Before joining the Colgate Rochester faculty, he was Dean of Chapel, Hamilton College.
The Modern Reader’s Guide to the Gospels was published by the Association Press in 1960. It was copyrighted by National Board Of Young Men’s Christian Association in 1959. He is the author also of The Christian Man. This material prepared for Religion Online by Paul Mobley.
(ENTIRE BOOK) An ideal introduction to the historical background, varying accounts, textual problems and correct interpretations of the life of Jesus as recorded in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
- Preface
The author makes the case for Guide to the four gospels, along with some reference materials that would be good reading.
- Introduction
The author treats Matthew and Luke as a single story, which required omitting some material, but shows the single purpose of both books.
- Chapter2: The Infancy Narrative in Luke
The infancy narrative by Luke, where the author points out the differences to Matthew’s account.
- Chapter 3: The Ministry in Galilee according to Matthew and Luke
This chapter parallels material found in the first nine chapters of the book of Mark. The examination of material distinguishes also between the three books.
- Chapter 4: Some Characteristic Material From Luke
Materials from this special source — an interested writer and historian.
- Chapter 5: Matthew and Luke on the Final Days in Jesus’ Ministry
The author asserts that Matthew and Luke follow Mark’s account of the final days of Jesus ministry. Parables and events, make up this final section of Part One.
- Chapter 1; The Infancy Narrative in Matthew
Review and examination of the birth and genealogy Jesus, and the visit of the wise men.
- Introduction
The book of Mark, originally appears to have been titled “The Gospel of Jesus Christ”. It may have been written to reassure Christians during the time of Nero’s false blame and persecution.
- Chapter 1: Prologue to Mark’s Gospel
Mark sets up the coming on scene of Jesus; the beginning of His ministry.
- Chapter 2: The Ministry in Galilee
This part of the ministry of Jesus is set in Galilee, mostly in towns. It includes healings or miracles, problems with the scribes.
- Chapter 3 The Ministry Outside Galilee
The murder of John the Baptist, feeding the crowds, controversy with the Pharisees.
- Chapter 4: What Peter Finally Learned; the Journey to Jerusalem
A study method for Peter’s confession, discipleship, children, are covered in this chapter.
- Chapter 5: In Jerusalem Before The Passion
The entry of Jesus into Jerusalem, along with events and teachings prior to His crucifixion.
- Chapter 6: The Passion and Resurrection Narratives
The last supper, betrayal, arrest, crucifixion, and resurrection of Jesus are dealt with according to Mark.
- Introduction
The introduction looks at who is John, with comments about the writings of John, to set the stage for their study.
- Chapter 1: Prologue to John’s Gospel
John’s prologue in his book of John, and the witness of John the Baptist are examined.
- Chapter 2: On The Meaning of Jesus Christ
The meaning of Christ, the theme of the new birth, Christ as the giver of life, and more examining Christ and his meaning to us.
- Chapter 3: The Passion of Jesus Christ
A guide through the final actions of Jesus during his crucifixion, and beyond.