Dr. Cauthen is the John Price Grazer Griffith professor of theology at Colgate Rochester Divinity School/Bexley Hall/Grazer Theological Seminary.
Published John Knox Press, Atlanta, 1975. This material was prepared for Religion Online by Ted and Winnie Brock.
(ENTIRE BOOK) Can the church help citizens of the emerging postindustrial society be more "saintly" in their "scientific" endeavors? What does it mean to be a morally responsible citizen in a complicated world?
- Chapter 1: Is There Any Hope?
How do we improve the lot of the poor, given the prevailing value and political facts of America today?
- Chapter 2: The Future is Not What it Used to Be
The forces that are creating the society of tomorrow may be managed for the benefit of all by a cybernetic society democratically planned.
- Chapter 3: Technology: Master or Servant?
What are the threats and promises posed by our increasing dependence on technological reason? The threats we face rise in direct proportion to the promises, and both are climbing at an exponential rate.
- Chapter 4: Living Between Efficiency and Ecstasy
Technological reason serves us best when it becomes the servant of creative thinking and is directed toward life-fulfilling goals. Unless technological reason is dominated by a vision that comes from beyond itself, it will lead us toward robotic efficiency, void of human ecstasy.
- Chapter 5: Living on Earth for Heaven’s Sake
The New Testament teaches that the Kingdom is primarily a gift of God, not a human achievement. The author offers suggestions how this Kingdom might be accepted.
- Chapter 6: A Declaration of Interdependence
The author makes some specific proposals for creating a better world: 1. Income tax where all pay their fair share. 2. Replace the present welfare system guaranteeing a minimal family income plan. 3. Commit 1% of gross national product to assistance of the poverty-stricken countries.