Dr. Pittenger, philosopher and theologian, was a senior member of King’s College, Cambridge for many years, then Professor of Christian Apologetics at the General Theological Seminary in New York City, before retiring in 1966.
Published by The Macmillan Company, New York, 1968. This material was prepared for Religion Online by Ted and Winnie Brock.
(ENTIRE BOOK) In series of four lectures the author clarifies the Process thought perspective. He interprets the person and work of Jesus in process-terms, and provides insights into existentialism and depth psychology.
- Preface
Dr. Pittenger reviews some of the theologians that have led him to a growing appreciation of process-thought or process-philosophy.
- Chapter 1: Introduction
The choice frequently offered is between being “a Christian” of a very narrowly “orthodox” type or being “a modern man.” But the Christian thinker can be both — by finding a “secular” confirmation for his belief in the God whose suffering love shares in the world’s pain while at the same time God’s triumphant joy is in part derived from the happiness which the world can know.
- Chapter 2: God and the Divine Activity in the World
If the world is a world in dynamic movement, then God as its chief principle of explanation will himself be in dynamic movement. If ceaseless adaptation to novel possibilities is found in the order of creation, the meaning of creation will itself include a factor which in the highest degree is adaptable.
- Chapter 3: Man, The Family, Society, and the Man of Nazareth
Dr. Pittenger reflects upon man as being in the process of becoming, as more than a thinking being, one who can look to the future, a valuing creature who can have an aim and who is extremely social but has individual identity as well. The author also comments on the nature of Jesus from a process-thought perspective.
- Chapter 4: The Question of Destiny and Some Concluding Comments
A discussion on the destiny of man and “immortality,” considered in the light of the views of both Whitehead and Hartshorne. Finally, the chapter concludes with an analysis of Process Theology and Christian Faith.